Why being open matters:

looking back at three years of public domain in Slovak galleries

Michal Čudrnák
Slovak National Gallery, lab.SNG

Bulgarian cultural heritage in a digital world, Varna, 30 May 2018

Europeana national workshop, Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest 1 june



Slovak National Gallery: Now (during reconstruction)

Slovak National Gallery Bratislava: after the reconstruction (2020)




Webumenia.sk is an on-line catalog of 113 820 artworks from the collections of Slovak galleries of which 20 878 are in public domain

Download artworks in Public Domain

Digital reproductions of public domain arwtorks from several gallery collections are available for download in high resolution for both personal and commercial use - i.e. copy, modify and share freely.

Reuse artworks in Public Domain, e.g.

printed posters, postcards, flyers, apparel, etc.

creative reuse like remixes, collages or animations

educational materials including books, websites and presentations

"Dennik N" daily - special  illustrated with artworks from Web umenia


Competition winner: remix of "To Boyfriend"

Bomber jacket using part of the painting


Streetart piece in Spišská Nová Ves

birthplace of Jozef Hanula

Para - Našou krajinou ("Across our Land")

Album booklet. Source

Painting from SNG featured on Europeana Art frontpage

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