distributed tracing
distributed request tracing
call graph
It aims to simplify the workflow of debugging calls.
It is directly connected to a call’s turn i.e., every turn has a corresponding turn graph displaying the technical path it went through.
It is an abstraction over “distributed tracing.”
(3rd pillar of observability)
OpenTelemetry (or OTEL): It is an open-source observability framework. It is a collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs.
Instrumentation: Tweaking any microservice in order to gather telemetry data out of it (may or may not require any source code change).
Tempo: It is a distributed tracing backend responsible for storing traces. We use the S3 bucket to store traces.
Span: It represents an operation within a transaction. It’s the smallest unit and uniquely identified by a span_id
Trace: It is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of spans, where the edges between spans are defined as a parent/child relationship and uniquely identified by a trace_id
(only for services)
The goal is to get the trace_id to access the corresponding turn graph.
--- ACTION! #2
The goal is to get the trace_id to access the corresponding turn graph.