

Attribution models

Attribution is the science behind assigning values to individual touch points throughout a customer's journey

Rule Based Attribution

Last Interaction

Attribution is done based on a set of heuristics

Last Non-Direct

Time decay

First Touch

Algorithm Based Attribution

Shapley Value

Markov Chain

"Fairer" attribution through algorithms


Conversion vs Value

So, which

Shapley Value Attribution

Co-operation among marketing channels

Marginal Contribution of each channel

Research: Shapley Attribution

Markov Chain Attribution​

Propensity to convert

Value per channel

Research: Markov Attribution


- Industry standard

- More robust

- 15 or more channels

- Path dependent




Research: Markov vs Shapley


Display impressions has a negative impact on both conversion value and number of conversions

Last and First touch models over/under value Referral & Direct. Algo models correct that

Attribution could also be studied by different demographics and seasons

We can optimise the marketing mix given the budget

Research: Shapley Attribution

Research: Markov Attribution

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