Laurens Doedes Breuning ten Cate




Cees Koomen - Supervisor

Joop Rabou - SNS Internship Supervisor

Herman van der Meulen - Panelist

Pim van Berkel - Panelist


Amsterdam x Utrecht

Background x MP

Biases - Kahneman & Tversky (1973)

Probabilities - Anderson (2013)

Impact - Yudkowsky (2008) 

Example 1

The mean IQ of the population of eighth graders in a city is known to be 100. You have a selected a random sample of 50 children for a study of educational achievements. The first child tested has an IQ of 150.


What do you expect the mean IQ to be for the whole sample?

Tom is of high intelligence, although lacking in true creativity. He has a need for order and clarity, and for neat and tidy systems in which every detail finds its appropriate place. He seems to feel little sympathy for other people and does not enjoy interacting with others. Self-centred, he nonetheless has a deep moral sense.

Example 2

Which is more probable?
A. Tom is an engineer
B. Tom is an engineer and is an avid player of video games

Research Questions

“How can a retail bank reduce the impact of humans inherent cognitive limitations in risk
assessment & decision-making?”

1. Can the results from my thesis be extrapolated to SNS-bank?

2. How can Debiasing be effectively implemented in SNS-bank

3. How can Bayesian Updating be effectively implemented in SNS-bank

4. Are the solutions recommendable and how can they effectively be implemented?


Interviews        - 3 ORM, 1 MV & 1 RC

                      - Link with Desk Research

Desk Research   - Solution design

                      - Top-down vs Bottom-up

Surveys           - Training & Control

                      - Pre & Post

                      - Survey noise 


- Statistics

- Sample size limitations

- Validity

Solution design

- Top-down as optimal

- IARPA SIRIUS project inspired

- Single training intervention

Debiasing - Morewedge et al. (2015)

SIRIUS project - IARPA (2016)

Sample & Skill

- Bias training group 12% up

- Probability training group 16% up

- Training had 'confidence effect'

- 44y old, 78.9% Male

- Bias group (n=19) // Probility group (n=13)

- Validity of sample

Cognitive Bias Results

1. H0: The performance of risk managers in avoiding cognitive biases has not improved by at least 10% compared to the control group after application of the proposed solution.

1. Extrapolation (MP vs SNS): 61.74% vs 62.6%

2. Training (Pre vs Post): 62.6% vs 19.8% (Δ=42.8%)

3. Control (Pre vs Post): 62.6% vs 57.3% (Δ=5.3% 'noise')


Total: 42.8% - 5.3% = 37.5% performance increase


Bayesian Updating results

2. H0: The performance of risk managers in avoiding issues with probability interpretation has not improved by at least 10% compared to the control group after application of the proposed solution.

1. Extrapolation (MP vs SNS): 71% vs 82%

2. Training (Pre vs Post): 82% vs 46.67 (Δ=35.3%)

3. Control (Pre vs Post): 82% vs 87.5% (Δ=+5.5% 'noise')


Total: 35.3% + 5.5% = 40.8% performance increase


Predictors & Correlations - 1

- Prediction value check to find validity thru Multi-var linear regression

Independents: Pre-survey variables & 'group variable'

Dependent: Recoded Post-survey variables into 1 performance variable



 R = 0.831


 R = 0.857


Predictors & Correlations - 2

- Prediction value check to find validity thru Multi-var linear regression

Independents: Pre-survey variables & 'group variable'

Dependent: Recoded Post-survey variables into 1 performance variable



 R = 0.714


 R = 0.731



- Performance gains not significant (barely)

- Predictor value very significant

- Morewedge et al. implies generalizability & Reverse extrapolation from industry wide sample strengthens this

Debiasing - Morewedge et al. (2015)

MP sample - Doedes Breuning ten Cate (2016)



2. Debiasing training 

3. Bayesian Updating training

4. Bayesian Updating in Modelling

IARPA x Debiasing

- Scalability & long-term peer-reviewed effects

- Classification issues

- Leveraging SNS 

Debiasing - Morewedge et al. (2015)

IARPA - IARPA (2016)

Leidos/522prod/Cretecinc - IARPA (2016)

Bayesian Updating

- Top-down application

- 'Training saturation'

- Scalability


- Bias performance as predictor (low cost)

Predictor - Doedes Breuning ten Cate (2016)

Bayes in Modelling

Stress Testing

- Regulatory push

- Decreased reliance on historical data

- Profiling with probability based prediction models

- Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Simulations

- Underlying NFR models

- Faster updating due to passivity

Default Risk predictions

Bayesian Belief Networks

Stress Tests - Federal Reserve (2016)

Current Developments

- Training two full departments (Compliance & CMO)

{- Training Board of Directors}

- IARPA licensing deal (100 - 200)

- Exploring modelling solutions




Cees Koomen


Joop Rabou

ORM team



Danny van der




Doedes Breuning ten Cate, L. (2016). “ How limitations of our cognitive abilities influence
risk assessments .”

Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA). (2016). About IARPA. Retrieved
May 4, 2016, from

Jensen, J. (2016). Stress Testing with the Help of Bayes’ Theorem - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Retrieved May 10, 2016, from

Leidos Inc. (2016). About Leidos. Retrieved May 21, 2016, from

Morewedge, C. K., Yoon, H., Scopelliti, I., Symborski, C. W., Korris, J. H., & Kassam, K. S.
(2015). Debiasing Decisions: Improved Decision Making With a Single Training
Intervention. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2(1), 129–140.

Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1973). Judgement under uncertainty: heuristics and biases.

Yudkowsky, E. (2008). Cognitive Biases Potentially Affecting Judgment of Global Risk. Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

The mean IQ is: .....



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