Good design is more than just pretty pictures.

Good design

  • solves problems

  • achieves results

  • communicates a message effectively.

Visual design

needs to support business objectives, such as getting visitors to consume the content or respond to the calls to action.

Visual hierarchy

Visual hierarchy allows visitors to identify the most important elements on a web page without having to read the content.

Visual hierarchy

For example, if you have multiple calls to action on a page, make sure that the most important one is emphasized with a larger button, bolder color, or special icon.

Here are 6 principles you can use to establish visual hierarchy

Page-scanning pattern

F-pattern by going down the left side of a page.


Page-scanning pattern

Z-pattern - places the most important information at the corners
and put the rest along the top and bottom bars.



People tend to read the bigger elements on a page first, so emphasize important content by making it bigger.


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