UX vs UI

“Something that looks great but is difficult to use is exemplary of great UI and poor UX. While Something very usable that looks terrible is exemplary of great UX and poor UI.”

What is UX

Part 1

What is UX

Part 2

What is UX

Part 3

UX vs UI

Chicken & Egg

You don’t need to learn all of it from the start.

Do you enjoy talking to people and feel comfortable doing that?

Start moderating user research and user testing sessions

Do you prefer designing simple, innovative interactions?


Start with wireframing and sketching

Do you like numbers and feel comfortable speaking to that?
Start getting involved more closely with analytics and metrics.

Do you like to write and appreciate how the choice of words can impact the user’s experience?


Start partnering with a professional copywriter to learn from them.

What about UI? 

UI is a tool, defines the point of interaction, means of communication between a person and a device/system

So, UI or UX?








- is the entirety of the website (or product) that you build. It's how the pages are structured and organized.
- It's how users navigate from page to page.  It's the process they follow to get from "point A" to "point B".

- The process of designing the user experience can often involve research, interviews, creating user personas, examining the usability and accessibility concerns, and so many other things.


User interface design (UI) is just that:

the interface itself.

It's the layout, the colors, the buttons, images, illustrations ... everything visual.

It's the part of the website that the user actually sees and clicks on.

UI is


elements or areas of dominance
are areas of interest, emphasis or difference within a composition that capture and hold the viewer’s attention.

The red circle and squares are focal points. The circle is the dominant element or dominant focal point.


 helps creates organisation. By grouping similar elements together or in close proximity, you create a relationship between those elements.

It also provides a focal point and can give the reader and idea of where they should start and finish reading.



 Grouping doesn’t mean that elements have to be placed together, it means they should be visually connected in someway.



creates a sharper, more ordered design.

 Aligning elements allows them to create a visual connection with each other.

tightens the design and eliminates the haphazard, messy effect which comes when items are placed randomly.




Aligning elements which are not in close proximity with each other, helps to provide an invisible connection between them.

Alignment is one of the most basic and important principles of design. It allows us to create order and organisation among elements.




 strengthens a design by tying together individual elements.

helps to create association 

The consistent repetition of an element is widely used in multi-page documents & websites.

Elements can be as simple as colour, shapes, typefaces or even texture.


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