Lehman Garrison
Scientific Computing Core, Flatiron Institute
CCA Fluid Dynamics Summer School
July 31, 2023
ssh -p 61022 USERNAME@gateway.flatironinstitute.org
google-authenticator -td -w3 -r3 -R30 -f
Scan the QR code with Google Authenticator (or any authenticator app)
Done! Try closing your terminal and logging in again.
ssh rusty
sbatch hello.sbatch
squeue --me
#SBATCH -p temp # partition
echo Hello from $(hostname)
Hello from $(hostname)
" in the output?#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH -p temp # partition
#SBATCH -t 0-1 # 1 hour
#SBATCH -n 5 # 5 tasks
#SBATCH -c 2 # 2 cores/task
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 16G
echo Hello from $(hostname)
To install Python packages and make them visible to Jupyter, need to create a venv and custom kernel
module load python
python -m venv fluidenv --system-site-packages
source fluidenv/bin/activate
1. Create a venv:
module load jupyter-kernels
python -m make-custom-kernel fluid
2. Create a kernel:
3. Open a notebook on JupyterHub and select the fluid kernel
4. In the future, to install a package, run:
source fluidenv/bin/activate
pip install ...