Flatiron Cluster Intro

Lehman Garrison
Scientific Computing Core, Flatiron Institute

CCA Fluid Dynamics Summer School

July 31, 2023

Intro to rusty

  • This week you'll be logging into the "rusty" cluster
  • A partition of nodes has been set aside for you!
    • 24 x Intel Skylake nodes, 40 cores each, 768 GB RAM
    • Each user can allocate 10 CPUs
    • Submit to the "temp" partition—we'll see how shortly
  • Two filesystems:
    • Home ($HOME): keep code, scripts, git repos, etc, here
    • Ceph ($HOME/ceph): keep data here
    • Storage will be purged on Saturday
  • First, let's set up your accounts

rusty Account Setup

rusty Account Setup

  1. Find the FIDO email with your login link
    • Email is from fido@flatironinstitute.org
  2. Use the PIN from the spreadsheet to login
    • Lehman will show the spreadsheet now
  3. Set a new password
  4. On FIDO, click "Retrieve google-authenticator backup code". Copy the code.
  5. SSH into the cluster
    • ssh -p 61022 USERNAME@gateway.flatironinstitute.org
    • Use password and backup code
  6. Run the following to generate a QR code
    • google-authenticator -td -w3 -r3 -R30 -f

    • Scan the QR code with Google Authenticator (or any authenticator app)

  7. Done! Try closing your terminal and logging in again.

Intro to Slurm

  • You'll submit jobs to the cluster using Slurm
  • Let's try it now! First SSH to rusty from gateway:
    • ssh rusty
  • Create a file called hello.sbatch
  • Submit it with:
    • sbatch hello.sbatch
  • Check the status with:
    • squeue --me
  • Look for a file named
    • "slurm-<JODIB>.out"

#SBATCH -p temp  # partition

echo Hello from $(hostname)


Intro to Slurm (2)

  • Take a look at the more realistic example on the right
  • How many times will you see "Hello from $(hostname)" in the output?
  • Your instructors will give you Slurm scripts during the classes
  • Remember, each summer school user uses the "temp" partition and is limited to 10 cores

#SBATCH -p temp  # partition
#SBATCH -t 0-1   # 1 hour

#SBATCH -n 5     # 5 tasks

#SBATCH -c 2     # 2 cores/task

#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 16G

echo Hello from $(hostname)



Create a Jupyter Kernel

To install Python packages and make them visible to Jupyter, need to create a venv and custom kernel

module load python
python -m venv fluidenv --system-site-packages
source fluidenv/bin/activate

1. Create a venv:

module load jupyter-kernels
python -m make-custom-kernel fluid

2. Create a kernel:

3. Open a notebook on JupyterHub and select the fluid kernel

4. In the future, to install a package, run:


source fluidenv/bin/activate
pip install ...

rusty Cheat Sheet

  • Connecting
    • Use "-p 61022" when SSH-ing to gateway to select the right port
    • Use "ssh rusty" from gateway
  • Storage
    • Scripts and code go in your home directory ($HOME)
    • Data goes in ceph ($HOME/ceph)
  • Slurm
    • Submit to the "temp" partition with "-p temp"
    • Ask for <= 10 cores
  • Jupyter
    • Launch Jupyter sessions from jupyter.flatironinstitute.org
    • Activate your venv before installing pip packages
  • Have fun!

Flatiron Cluster Intro

By Lehman Garrison

Flatiron Cluster Intro

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