How Not to Write a High-Performance N-body Code
Lehman Garrison (SCC, formerly CCA)
FWAM, High-Performance Computing Case Study
Oct. 28, 2022
The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
First 8 weeks of DESI Survey data (2021; Credit: D. Schlegel/Berkeley Lab)
Telescope surveys see that galaxies cluster together, forming a "cosmic web"
Simulating the Cosmic Web
- Gravitational instability in an expanding universe explains the cosmic web
- Can simulate by treating all matter as collisionless particles
- Ignore gas dynamics; good enough for large scales
- Discretize the matter into N particles, evolve equations of motion under Newtonian gravity in a GR background
Credit: Benedikt Diemer & Phil Mansfield
N-body: the computational task
- Integrate equations of motion of each particle using leapfrog
- Requires gravitational force at each time step: $$ \vec{F_i} \propto \sum_j^N \frac{\vec{r_j} - \vec{r_i}}{|\vec{r_j} - \vec{r_i}|^3} $$
- Naive time complexity \( \mathcal{O}(N^2) \)
- Must also respect periodic boundary conditions
- Won't use \( \mathcal{O}(N^2) \) on large scales; might still on small scales
It gets worse...
- Tiny galaxies shine across vast cosmic distances
- Need high mass resolution, large simulation volume
- Non-trivial gravitational coupling of large scales to small
- Typical flagship N-body simulations have 1+ trillion particles in 2022
- 1 trillion particles
- Typically 32+ TB of particle state
- All-to-all communication
- Thousands of time steps
- Tightly coupled
The Abacus N-body Code
- New code for cosmological N-body simulations (Garrison et al., 2021)
- Based on new multipole method with exact near-field/far-field split
- Near field GPU-accelerated; far field CPU SIMD-accelerated
- Fastest published per-node performance of any cosmological N-body code
- Tiny force errors, typically \(10^{-5}\) (frac.)
- Written in C++/CUDA, with MPI+OpenMP parallelization
Hearken back to 2013...
- GPU computing was just entering mainstream
- Beyoncé only had 17 Grammys
- Few academic GPU clusters
- A single node could house enough GPUs to run a simulation, but how do you hold it in memory? With disk!
- Abacus "slab pipeline" designed to only need a thin slice of the simulation in memory
- Rest of the simulation can be on disk (2013), on another node (2020), etc
- Lots of IO optimization
Abacus cluster in the Harvard Astro Dept. basement
Lesson #0: Don't cook your hard drives
Abacus Slab Pipeline
Slab 7
Slab 6
Slab 5
Slab 4
Slab 3
Slab 2
Slab 1
Abacus Slab Pipeline
Slab 7
Slab 6
Slab 5
Slab 4
Slab 3
Slab 2
Slab 1
Abacus Slab Pipeline
Slab 7
Slab 6
Slab 5
Slab 4
Slab 3
Slab 2
Slab 1
Abacus Slab Pipeline
Slab 7
Slab 6
Slab 5
Slab 4
Slab 3
Slab 2
Slab 1
Abacus Slab Pipeline
Slab 7
Slab 6
Slab 5
Slab 4
Slab 3
Slab 2
Slab 1
force (GPU)
Abacus Slab Pipeline
Slab 7
Slab 6
Slab 5
Slab 4
Slab 3
Slab 2
Slab 1
force (GPU)
Abacus Slab Pipeline
Slab 7
Slab 6
Slab 5
Slab 4
Slab 3
Slab 2
Slab 1
force (GPU)
Abacus Slab Pipeline
Slab 7
Slab 6
Slab 5
Slab 4
Slab 3
Slab 2
Slab 1
force (GPU)
Abacus Slab Pipeline
- Uses the exact decomposition of the multipole method to process the simulation volume slab-by-slab
- FFT convolution of multipoles happens after pipeline, produces far-field for next step
- Pipeline actually expressed as an event loop (code example)
- Easily incorporates asynchronous activity, like IO, GPU, or MPI
void slab_pipeline(){
if(LaunchRead.precondition()) LaunchRead.action();
if(NearForce.precondition()) NearForce.action();
if(FarForce.precondition()) FarForce.action();
if(Kick.precondition()) Kick.action();
if(Drift.precondition()) Drift.action();
if(Finish.precondition()) Finish.action();
class NearForce : Stage {
int precondition(int slab){
for(int i = -RADIUS; i <= RADIUS; i++){
if(!Read.done(slab+i)) return 0;
return 1;
void action(int slab){
From single-node to multi-node
- From a node's perspective, it doesn't matter if the not-in-memory particles are on disk or on another node
- In 2018, we added MPI parallelization, reusing the slab decomposition
- This 1D parallelization had perfect scaling to 140+ nodes on Summit
- Any larger and the domains become too thin for halo finding
- Rolling decomposition: a node ends with a different domain than it starts with
- No boundary approximations!
Custom OpenMP Scheduler
- Modern systems have "Non-Uniform Memory Access" (NUMA)
- Cores access memory on the same socket (NUMA node) faster
- Abacus slabs are divided over sockets. Want the CPUs to only work on rows on that socket.
Abacus used to use static scheduling, but started choking on load balancing in big sims
Socket 1
Socket 2
void KickSlab(int slab){
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(???)
for(int j = 0; j < nrow; j++){
Custom OpenMP Scheduler
- OpenMP 4 doesn't have a "dynamic-within-socket" schedule
- Nor does it let you write a custom scheduler
- But we can hack one together...
- Use OpenMP tasks
- Atomic addition to grab next loop iteration
- 25% improvement in performance of far-field calculation
- But can't use "reduction" clauses, have to implement manually...
#define NUMA_FOR(N)
_next_iter[0] = 0; // node 0
_last_iter[0] = N/2;
_next_iter[1] = N/2; // node 1
_last_iter[1] = N;
#pragma parallel
for(int j; ; ){
#pragma atomic capture
j = _next_iter[NUMA_NODE]++;
if(j >= _next_iter[NUMA_NODE+1])
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int j = 0; j < nrows; j++){
Given the following code:
Rewrite as:
Lesson #1: don't let your threads access memory on the wrong NUMA node
Lesson #1b: Don't write a custom OpenMP scheduler
Lesson #1a: don't let your threads access memory on the wrong NUMA node
Loop Unrolling & SIMD Metacode
void multipoles(const double *pos, const int N, double *multipole){
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
double mx = 1.;
for(int a = 0; a <= ORDER; a++){
double mxy = mx;
for(int b = 0; b <= ORDER - a; b++){
double mxyz = mxy;
for(int c = 0; c <= ORDER - a - b; c++){
multipole[a,b,c] += mxyz;
mxyz *= pos[2,i];
mxy *= pos[1,i];
mx *= pos[0,i];
Performance: \(7\times10^6\) particles/sec (1 core)
print('double mx = 1.;')
for a in range(ORDER + 1):
print('double mxy = mx;')
for b in range(ORDER - a + 1):
print('double mxyz = mxy;')
for c in range(ORDER - a - b + 1):
print(f'multipoles[{a},{b},{c}] += mxyz;')
print('mxyz *= pos[2,i];')
print('mxy *= pos[1,i];')
print('mx *= pos[0,i];')
\(19\times10^6\) particles/sec
print('__m512d mx = _mm512_set1_pd(1.);')
for a in range(ORDER + 1):
print('__m512d mxy = mx;')
for b in range(ORDER - a + 1):
print('__m512d mxyz = mxy;')
for c in range(ORDER - a - b + 1):
print(f'multipoles[{a},{b},{c}] = '\
print('mxyz = _mm512_mul_pd(mxyz,pos[2,i]);')
print('mxy = _mm512_mul_pd(mxy,pos[1,i]);')
print('mx = _mm512_mul_pd(mx,pos[0,i]);')
\(54\times10^6\) particles/sec
Loop Unrolling & SIMD Metacode
Lesson #2: don't trust the compiler to optimize complicated, performance-critical loops!
Other tricks: interleaving vectors, FMA, remainder iterations
PTimer Cache Line Contention
- Abacus PTimer (“parallel timer”) is used to profile performance-intensive, multi-threaded loops
- Each thread has a binary flag that it sets when it is active
- All flags were in a contiguous array
- 20 threads fighting for the same two cache lines inside tight nested loops
- Resolving this gave an immediate 50% CPU performance boost
Typical cache line size 64 bytes
Keep threads away from each other by at least this much
Lesson #3: don't share cache lines, especially in tight loops
GPU Data Model: Cells vs. Pencils
- Old version of GPU code processed cell pairs
- NVIDIA A100 GPU: 1500 GB/s memory bandwidth
- 125 Gparticles/sec
- 20 TFLOPS compute
- 770 Gforces/sec
- 770/125 = 6 forces per load
- Each particle should be used at least 6 times per load to shared mem
- 25 GB/s host to device PCIe bandwidth
- 2 Gparticles/sec
- 770/2 = 385 forces per host-device transfer
- Pencil-on-pencil
- Each particle acts on 5 sink pencils, 5 cells each
- Need at least 15 particle per cell—not bad!
Lesson #4: don't send data to the GPU unless you have a lot of floating-point work to do on it
What did we do with all this?
- 60 trillion particles
- More particles than all N-body simulations ever run, combined
- Performance of 300+ trillion directs/sec
- 7+ PB of raw outputs, processed and compressed to 2 PB
- 60% of theoretical peak usage of Summit GPUs
- Primary N-body simulation suite used by the DESI galaxy survey (Stage-IV DOE Dark Energy Experiment)
- Public data release:
- Many lessons about HPC learned from mistakes made in the Abacus code
- Don't cook hard drives
- Don't use static scheduling as a replacement for NUMA-awareness
- Don't trust compiler unrolling of complicated loops
- Don't let threads work within the same cache line
- Don't send data to the GPU unless you have lots of work to do on it
- Event loops are a powerful simulation programming model
- If you have a better approach for one of these problems, I'm eager to talk about it!
- Many other optimizations I didn't get to talk about:
- Thread pinning
- Memory allocators (tcmalloc)
- GPU memory pinning
- Ramdisk/mmap
- MPI point-to-point vs all-to-all
Compression/file formats
Representation of particle positions
GPU intermediate accumulators
Abacus FWAM Presentation
By Lehman Garrison
Abacus FWAM Presentation
- 143