



"How are things going for you?"

aka: invite the conversation

"It sounds like you're worried about..."

aka: listen, echo back, remove assumptions

"Yeah, that is tough!"

aka: validate student experience

If appropriate:

Share a relevant related experience from your past

aka: normalize student experience

NOTE: this is NOT a time to "show off" how capable you are, how easy it is to solve the problem, or co-opt the student struggle

"What's helped you out in the past?"

aka: build connections to prior healthy behaviors

"What will help you right now /this week
/this project?"

aka: refocus on tangible strategies and support structures

If necessary:

"I would like to bring in [other staff member] because I think they will have more insights and strategies for you. "Are you comfortable with that?"
"What can I share with them?"
"Would you like to reach out to them directly yourself?"

aka: "Let's increase your support structure" -
         NOT "I'm out!"

"So, this week we're going to ..."

aka: summarize short-term action plan for both student and you

"Are you feeling able to move forward?"

aka: verify that student concerns have been addressed and that a plan is in place

"I'll follow up with you [in two days/next week

aka: follow up to see if strategies are working, establish accountability

Go forth and be unafraid


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