The Basics
A web-based game without audio.
Picture from HexGL by Thibaut Despoulain
Web Audio API come in rescue!
This is very important!
// All methods of the web audio API are inside
// an object called AudioContext. All sounds are
// fired inside this context, and only one context
// per page is allowed. If you call this repeatedly,
// you'll get back the same AudioContext object.
var audioContext = new AudioContext();
// In the above example, we only take care of the
// latest browsers. To make older browsers that supports
// the web audio API to work, we should do the following
var audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
// Preparing things up!
// Create the audio nodes for our first work!
var sound = null; // Store the sound globally
// Load an audio file using XMLHttpRequest2
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.onload = function(){
// Decode the audio file to raw audio samples
audioContext.decodeAudioData(xhr.response, function(buffer){
// Save the buffer for later use
sound = buffer;
// Play it once it's loaded. You'll meet this again in the next slide.
};'GET', '/some/audio/files.mp3', true);
// Here's our function for playing a sound.
function play(){
// Here's our node for playing sounds.
var soundNode = audioContext.createBufferSource();
// Add the audio in for playing
soundNode.buffer = sound;
// Connect the sound node to the speakers
// Fire it up!
// The first argument is the time offset to play the file
// 0 means to play it immediately, otherwise it stands for
// the time in seconds to play since the AudioContext object
// has created.
// Here's our function for playing a sound.
function play(){
// Here's our node for playing sounds.
var soundNode = audioContext.createBufferSource();
// Add the audio in for playing
soundNode.buffer = sound;
// *Loop it*
soundNode.loop = true;
// Connect the sound node to the speakers
// And play it
// Here's our function for playing a sound.
function play(){
// Here's our node for playing sounds.
var soundNode = audioContext.createBufferSource();
// Add the audio in for playing
soundNode.buffer = sound;
// *Speed it up by 50%*
soundNode.playbackRate.value = 1.5;
// Connect the sound node to the speakers
// And play it
// Here's our function for playing a sound.
function play(){
// Here's our node for playing sounds.
var soundNode = audioContext.createBufferSource();
var gainNode = audioContext.createGain(); // THE GAIN NODE
// Add the audio in for playing
soundNode.buffer = sound;
// Set the gain to be 50% louder
gainNode.gain.value = 1.5;
// Connect the sound node to the speakers
soundNode.connect(gainNode); // GAIN NODE FIRST
// And play it
// Here's our function for playing a sound.
function play(){
// Here's our node for playing sounds.
var soundNode = audioContext.createBufferSource();
var gainNode = audioContext.createGain(); // THE GAIN NODE
soundNode.buffer = sound;
// Set gain to 0
gainNode.gain.value = 0;
// Connect the sound node to the speakers
soundNode.connect(gainNode); // GAIN NODE FIRST
// Fade in after 2 seconds
gainNode.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, audioContesxt.currentTime + 2);
// Here's our function for playing a sound.
function play(){
// Here's our node for playing sounds.
var soundNode = audioContext.createBufferSource();
var gainNode = audioContext.createGain(); // THE GAIN NODE
soundNode.buffer = sound;
gainNode.gain.value = 1;
// Connect the sound node to the speakers
soundNode.connect(gainNode); // GAIN NODE FIRST
// Calculate the time to fade out
var fadeOutPosition = audioContext.currentTime + sound.duration - 2;
// Fade out after 2 seconds
gainNode.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, fadeOutPosition);
Thanks for attending!