Common Voice Project


Catatan: gunakan tombol spasi untuk ke halaman berikutnya :)


Common VOice Project?

Catatan: gunakan tombol spasi untuk ke halaman berikutnya :)

Proyek Common Voice adalah inisiatif Mozilla untuk membuat perangkat yang mengajari mesin bagaimana manusia sebenarnya berbicara menjadi lebih terbuka, mudah diakses dan inklusif.

COntribution  Area

CV sentence collector

It allows contributors to collect and validate sentences created by the community. You can use this tool also to import and clean up small-to-medium-sized public domain corpus you have found or collected

Voice donation & voice review

crowdsourcing open-source datasets of voices. Donate your voice, validate the accuracy of other people's clips, make the dataset better for everyone.

Common voice ID

1.  Donate your voice by reading the sentence clearly

2. Validate the accuracy of donated clips, checking if the speaker  read the sentence correctly

Catatan: gunakan tombol spasi untuk ke halaman berikutnya :)

How to Contribute?

1. Open do sign up/login so your  donation will keep in tracked :)


2. Sta



  1. Sumber kalimat harus bersumber terbuka Public Domain (CC-0) license.
  2. Angka. There should be no digits in the source text because they can cause problems when read aloud. The way a number is read depends on context and might introduce confusion in the dataset. For example, the number “2409” could be accurately read as both “twenty-four zero nine” and “two thousand four hundred nine”.
  3. Singkatan dan akronim. Abbreviations and acronyms like “USA” or “ICE” should be avoided in the source text because they may be read in a way that does not coincide with their spelling. Additionally, there may be multiple accurate readings for a single abbreviation. For example, the acronym “ICE” could be pronounced “I-C-E” or as a single word.
  4. Tanda baca. Special symbols and punctuation should only be included when absolutely necessary. For example, an apostrophe is included in English words like “don’t” and “we’re” and should be included in the source text, but it’s unlikely you’ll ever need a special symbol like “@” or “#.”
  5. Huruf asing. Letters must be valid in the language being spoken. For example, “ж” is a letter in the Russian alphabet but is never used in English and so should never appear in any English source text.
  6. Panjang kalimat. Panjang kalimat harus kurang dari 14 kata.


  • Menambahkan kalimat baru


  • Peninjauan Kalimat (Review sentences)

  1. Kalimat tersebut harus memiliki ejaan yang benar
  2. Kalimat tersebut memiliki makna gramatikal yang benar (sesuai konteks)
  3. Kalimat harus dapat dibaca
  • Jika kalimat memenuhi 3 kriteria di atas, klik tombol "yes" di sebelah kanan
  • Jika kalimat tidak memenuhi salah satu dari tiga kriteria di atas, klik tombol  "no". Jika tidak yakin, kalimat tersebut bisa dilewati dan lanjut ke kalimat berikutnya
  • Jika semua kalimat sudah selesai kamu tinjau, bantu kumpulkan lebih banyak kalimat
  • Referensi dalam meninjau kalimat



Terima kasih

Munches gracies


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