Benjamin E. Lind, Ph.D.
National Research University-Higher School of Economics
Module IV, 2016
- Wikipedia
What does this definition mean?
Snow et al. (1986)
Synthesizes social-psychological and structural/organizational movement explanations.
Links individual perceptions to movement organizations' interpretations
Snow and Benford (2000)
Conceptual Understanding (Snow 2001)
a shared sense of ‘one-ness’ or ‘we-ness’ anchored in real or imagined shared attributes and experiences among those who comprise the collectivity and in relation or contrast to one or more actual or imagined sets of ‘others.’
Further Conceptual Understandings (Polletta & Jasper 2001:284)
an individual’s cognitive, moral, and emotional connections with a broader community, category, practice, or institution. It is a perception of a shared status or relation, which may be imagined rather than experienced directly, and it is distinct from personal identities, although it may form part of a personal identity. A collective identity may have been first constructed by outsiders (for example, as in the case of ‘‘Hispanics’’ in this country), who may still enforce it, but it depends on some acceptance by those to whom it is applied. Collective identities are expressed in cultural materials – names, narratives, symbols, verbal styles, rituals, clothing, and so on – but not all cultural materials express collective identities. Collective identity does not imply the rational calculus for evaluating choices that ‘‘interest’’ does. And unlike ideology, collective identity carries with it positive feelings for other members of the group.
Key Questions (Snow 2001:2216-8)
As Context, Toolkit, Target, and Outcome
How do we approach culture as an object to study?
Five-Pointed "Star" (Rhys 2004)
Case Selection, Source Materials, Content Analysis, and Recent Advances
Krippendorff (2004:83)
Let's find some data related to an historical social movement.
Name an historical social movement.
Look for representative information. Evaluate primary and secondary sources. Convenient places to start:
E.g., Knights of Labor. 1878. Record of proceedings of the General Assembly of the Knights of Labor. Reading, Pa: The Assembly.
Some Possible Questions to Ask
How can we automate the data extraction process?
Easiest to Hardest
Tarrow (1989)
Affecting (Meyer 2004:126)
Conceptualizing Opportunity (McAdam 1996)
(Meyer and Minkoff 2004)
Amenta et al. (2010)
Campaigners say first-ever global treaty to stop illegal fishing is a welcome step, but not enough.
Klandermans and Oegema (1987)