Intelligent Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

Dr. Ling Ma


Dr. Ling Ma’s research focuses on computing in civil and infrastructure engineering. He has acquired much research experiences in Data Mining, Building Information Modeling, remote sensing, computer vision, Agent-based simulation, and construction production system design.

Research projects
Looking for a PhD scholarship? If you got:

  • Interests in solving engineering problems using ICT 
  • Skills in statistics and data analysis
  • Experience in Python and/or C++ programming
  • Proof of English proficiency
Please send me an email:

HTC Vive, Hololens, DJI Phantom 4 Pro,

Faro Laser Scanner, etc. are available for playing and research experiment in the lab :)

Education and Work Experience

Dr. Ling Ma




Collaborated with scholars from ten different institutions in transnational research projects

Teaching and Research in Virtual and Digital Construction

Collaborated with scholars from ten different institutions in transnational research projects

Network Rail


Gladstone River Entrance, the main entrance to the dock complex and the Seaforth container terminal. The outer gate has historically failed on some occasions and apparently without warning.

The goal is processing the telemetry data that some sensors are recording in the river (parameters such as hydraulic pressures, tidal, weather or other climatic data) to alert if something is not going well.

This real streaming data is embedded to BIM models on a GIS platform.

Waldeck Consulting

Transnational Collaboration

IRR: Suspension performance, wheel-rail contact, traction and braking


Dr. Ling Ma

Prof. Lieyun Ding

Prof. Hanbin Luo

Prof. Rafael Sacks

Dr. Ling Ma

Dr. Sagi Filin

Dr. Reem Zeibak-Shini

Demo on Youtube

Click this link to see the demo on Youku

Wait for a couple of seconds...

Point Cloud in Virtual Reality

Exploring Reality in Virtual Reality

Construction Simulation in Virtual Reality

Laser scanned CAD room

1:1 Scale Design Review in Mixed Reality

University building in Mixed Reality

  Identify structural joints in 360 street views

Identify structural joints in 360 street views


A significant problem in a construction project

© Dr Ling Ma

  • The lifecycle of a construction project
  • Understanding the communication problem in construction
  • Some possible solutions

Typical construction project lifecycle

© Dr Ling Ma

Architectural Design
Structural Design
MEP Design

Communication Problems

Game Time

© Dr. Ling Ma

Possible solution

© Dr Ling Ma

Different Career Paths and

Further Education You Can Get

@ University of Huddersfield

Planning and Maintaining the Built Environment

  • Architectural Technology BSc(Hons) 
  • Surveying (Quantity Surveying) BSc(Hons)
  • Construction Project Management BSc(Hons)  
  • Surveying (Building Surveying) BSc(Hons)

© Dr Ling Ma

TEF Gold for delivering consistently outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for its students. It is of the highest quality found in the UK.

1 of the 2 in Yorkshire

Typical construction project lifecycle

© Dr Ling Ma

Architectural Design
Structural Design
MEP Design

Professional links and accreditations

The course is fully accredited by the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT). The University of Huddersfield was the first University to run an Architectural Technology Honours degree course to be accredited by the CIAT. 

The course is also fully accredited by the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE).

Guardian League Tables 2018 - Architecture: 6th in the UK

© Dr Ling Ma

Professional links and accreditations

The University of Huddersfield has been awarded Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Accredited Centre Status. The course has been awarded provisional accreditation by the Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors (PACS), which incorporates a number of international members. The course has also been awarded provisional accreditation by the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia (BQSM).

© Dr Ling Ma

© Dr Ling Ma

Professional links and accreditations

The University of Huddersfield has been awarded Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Accredited Centre Status. 

© Dr Ling Ma

Professional links and accreditations

The University of Huddersfield has been awarded Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Accredited Centre Status. 

Safety classification of tunneling induced grounding settlement using data mining

Ma, L., Early Warning Analysis for Safety Risk of Metro Tunnel Construction Based on a Spatio-Temporal Model of Ground Settlement, China National Natural Science Funds for Young Scholar, $41,000, PI, 51408247, 2015-2017,

© Dr. Ling Ma

Generation of the BIM model of an earthquake damaged building using laser scanning

© Dr. Ling Ma

Next generation bridge inspection system using remote sensing and information modeling

© Dr. Ling Ma

Sacks, R., Kedar, A., Borrmann, A., Ma, L.*, Daum, S., Yosef, R., Brilakis, I., Huethwohl, P., Liebich, T., Barutcu, B. and Muhic, S. SeeBridge Next Generation Bridge Inspection: Overview, Information Delivery Manual and Model View Definition. Automation in Construction, under review.

Agent based simulation of construction workflow and information flow


Ma, L. and Sacks, R. (2016). ‘Agent-based simulation of construction workflows using a relational data model’ Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Pasquire, C., Alves, T., and Reginato, J., (eds.), Boston, MA, US, July 2016, pp. 73-82.  

Shahaf, Y., Sacks, R., Ma, L., The Impact of Process Information Flow on Trade Crews' Workflow, Part I: Serious Game Simulation. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, in preparation.

Ma, L., Sacks, R., Shahaf, Y., The Impact of Process Information Flow on Trade Crews' Workflow, Part II: Agent–Based Simulation. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, in preparation.

© Dr. Ling Ma

S-IMPLER: Solid Wall Innovative Insulation and Monitoring Processes using Lean Energy Efficient Retrofit

© Dr. Ling Ma

© Dr. Ling Ma

Automated Generation of Semantically Rich Infrastructure Models

© Dr. Ling Ma

Automated Generation of Semantically Rich Infrastructure Models

© Dr. Ling Ma

Automated Generation of Semantically Rich Infrastructure Models

© Dr. Ling Ma

Automated Generation of Semantically Rich Infrastructure Models

Data Collection, Management and Visualization of Infrastructure Projects Using Remote Sensing, Building Information Modelling, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality Technologies

© Dr. Ling Ma

PI, in collaboration with Trimble Solutions (UK) Ltd., £2500 contributed by Collaborative Venture Fund

© Dr. Ling Ma

Automated Generation of Semantically Rich Infrastructure Models

New investigator award, in collaboration with Network Rail, Bam Nuttall, Trimble, Atkins, WSP (in preparation)

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