Quantum Computing

and earth science



Quantum Computing and Its Applications

Principles of Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing and Earth Science

Quantum computer

computer realized with quantum mechanics

Things that classical computers cann't do

RSA、VQE、Quantum ML...

some quantum computers

Quantum computer that focused on quantum annealing



 typically used Numbers with 2048 bits

Classical computers cannot finish cracking even after spending the age of the Earth

but quantum computer can do it in \(O({log(N)}^3)\)

Since molecules cannot be described using classical physics at the microscopic level, quantum mechanics is required

Using a quantum computer to simulate molecules and calculate the ground state energy

quantum dice

Using quantum mechanics to achieve true randomness


Achieving the optimal solution through a process similar to cooling down from an initial stat

quantum  annealing

Doing the same thing but with much better performance due to the quantum tunneling effect

Quantum machine learning

Machine learning that combines

classical and quantum computing

principles of quantum computing

Quantum computers are made up of quantum bits (qubits)

Classical computers are made up of bits


 \(Qubit\) can be both 0 and 1 at the same time

bits can only be 0 or 1

The quantum mechanics of qubits

superposition state

entangled state

Quantum computing and earth science

Using quantum mechanics to aid the development of physics and chemistry

than further use it to develop Earth science




Prof. Dr. Rui A. P. Perdigão dedicated to incorporating quantum information into Earth system prediction

Rui Perdigão had applied

quantum information to

fluid dynamics systems.

It enables the unified treatment from quantum electrohydrodynamics

to the coevolutionary earth system

and astrophysical dynamical systems



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