LLED 481 Presentation - July 18, 2017
Mattermost is an open source communication tool that facilitates collaboration in a chat-type environment.
Asynchronous and synchronous
Persistent history
Threaded replies
Mobile apps
Custom notifications
emoji picker 😎
*visual aid only
Direct Messages
Online Status
Private Channels
As of July 10, 2017
100% online
Three cohort-wide shells
Six credit courses
What happened?
Students met 3-4 times to discuss a book of importance in the field and prepare a presentation
Current MET student created a forum for students and alumni to socialize and share ideas.
Who are we?
What are our shared concerns?
Can we together create a stronger network of teachers and education technology specialists?
Do we have information and experiences that others in our community might find valuable or interesting?
Do we have ideas of things we might create together or ways that we can improve our shared experience in MET?
Can team chat be used to facilitate research?
How can we research the potential for teaching language?
How could chat be used to support English Language Arts Education?