The resource needed to sell tickets online and offline complexifies.
Live music venues, clubs and festivals often delegate these tasks to private companies whose objective is mainly profit.
This situation threatens live music venues, clubs and festivals as they become dependent on these private companies to sell tickets and access their ticket data.
They obtained from TixforGigs to renounce to half of the fees it would normally gain from the ticket sales and to reduce the expedition costs.
Instead, TixforGigs gives 1€ per ticket sold to FairTix (called the Club Euro), which will then reinject this money back into the Hamburg club scene.
Clubstiftung and Clubkombinat approached a private company, TixforGigs, to establish an alternative ticketing system.
The PETZI Ticketing Service is possible thanks to numerous human resource: 10 people run it.
Most of the team is made of volunteers, and special skills (accountant, developer...) are needed to develop such a fair ticketing platform, which aims at:
At the initiative of umbrella association Fedelima, live music actors started a reflexion on alternative ticketing systems which led to the creation of SoTicket.
In order to access to SoTicket, music venues, clubs or festivals need to pay a membership fee to SoCoop/SoTicket.
The fee depends on the adhesion of the music venue to SoCoop and Fedelima and is calculated from a percentage on the venue’s ticket sales revenue.
In 2019, 24 French music venues, clubs or festivals benefit from SoTicket.