BDD-testing service  


Vladislav Mukhamatnurov

Dialog Systems, QA Engineer

About me

Voice Assistant

Our project

  • Bucket of services
  • NLP-based ecosystem
  • Complex back-end
  • Intent recognition
  • Dialog as Directed Acyclic Graph

Directed Acyclic Graph


  • Python 3.7+
  • PyTest tests
  • Flask Admin
  • Allure

OK, got it!

What about testing?

Behavior-Driven Development

Main idea

Tech + Business


Perfect Product

BDD goals for project

  • Perfect for testing of dialogs 
  • Finite number of steps
  • Clear user and system spec

Behavioral specification

  • Title
  • Narrative
  • Scenarios
    • Given steps
    • When steps
    • Then steps



        Given I am user with debit card TinkoffBlack

        And I use iOS mobile app version 5.2


Scenario: Voice Assistant transfers money

        When I tell 'Send 1000 rubles to Max'

        Then bot answers 'You're going to send 1000 rubles to                                                         Maxim Ivanov?'

        And bot displays buttons [Cancel; Confirm]

        When I press 2nd button

        Then bot answers 'Success'

Get BDD started!

BDD ecosystem

  • Fixtures
  • CLI entrypoint
  • BDD scenarios
  • Regression
  • Tool for testing



  • How to get rid of dependences?
    • IDE
    • Code
    • Environment 
  • How many people?
  • How much code?
  • How difficult scenario creation?
  • What's the price of support?

Behavior-Driven Development

is brainteaser


  1. Hardly scalable / shareable

  2. Difficult maintenance

  3. How about pretty reports?

  4. Not suitable project !

  5. Not interested team !

1. Hardly

Scalable / Shareable

  • Need to train people
  • Code couldn't be shared
  • IDE dependence
  • Environment dependence

2. Difficult maintenance

  • Not synchronous development
  • Documentation update
  • Tests for testing tool too!

3. Reports

  • Poor or very complex tools
  • Not pretty reports
  • Not BDD solutions
  • * Not integratable with code

4. Project

Not suitable

5. Team

Not interested


your own case

Let's form the requirements

1. Scaling & Sharing

  • IDE independence
  • ENV independence
  • Gherkin UI for people
  • Execution possibility
  • Explanation and support

2. Maintenance

  • Synchronous development
  • Project code reuse
  • Based on PyTest
  • CI / CD integration

3. Reports

  • Built-in decorators
  • CI / CD support
  • Allure framework

4. Project team

  • BDD for task setting
  • Features coverage
  • Debug possibility
  • Improvement opportunity

Our solution

BDD-testing service

based on Flask Admin


  • Flask Admin
  • Gherkin editor (Ace)
  • pytest_bdd
  • Allure
  • SQLAlchemy


Flask Admin goals

  • Simple and powerful
  • jinja2 template out-of-box
  • SQLAlchemy out-of-box
  • Already in use


Ace editor goals

  • based on JS
  • Gherkin support
  • Easy implementation
  • Customizable

Editing panel

pytest_bdd goals

  • Powerful as PyTest
  • Test code reuse


Allure goals

  • PyTest support
  • Customizable decorators
  • Pretty BDD reports
  • Statistics out-of-box








Service as

powerful testing tool

Service gives an ability to

  • Create and manage scenarios
  • Run tests and provide experiments
  • Compile results and analyze reports 
  • Add scenarios to regression
  • Share with other specialists
  • Set development tasks as scenarios

Thank you!

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