Static vs Dynamic Webpages


Lonce Wyse

Communication & New Media

Static Web pages

  • The same for each visit
  • The same for each visitor
  • To change, content must be changed by the designer/developer

Dynamic Web pages

  • Can be responsive to user info
  • Change depending on real-time data
  • Content *created* when it is requested

Dynamic Web pages

  • Can be responsive to user info
  • Change depending on real-time data
  • Content *created* when it is requested

Changing Data

Server Code

Are the games and animations sites we've developed "dynamic"? 

Not as far as the server is concerned. 

Dynamic Web pages

  • Can be responsive to user info
  • Change depending on real-time data
  • Content *created* when it is requested

Changing Data

Server Code

(Minimally) Dynamic Web pages

  • Can be responsive to user info
  • Change depending on real-time data
  • Content *created* when it is requested

Server Code

Dynamic Web pages

  • Stock Market trading/visualization
    • Database constantly being updated
  • Shopping sites
    • Database constantly being updated with new products, new prices

Typically involves a DATABASE from which the webpages that are served are created at the time they are requested. 

Q: Why do (and others) only host static pages? 

Multi-user interaction

"Chat room" model

Socket connection established for each site visitor

Any messages server receives, are 'broadcast' to all other sockets. 


Socket enables real-time two-way communication 

Each client gets a different socket number, or "id" to use once the connection is established. 



OK, let's write some client & server code


multiuser interaction!

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