> select * from my_table;
name | x | y
a | 1 | 500
b | 2 | 1000
c | 3 | 5000
> select sum(x) from my_table;
Nice and simple.
val nums = List(1,2,3)
val sum = nums.fold(0) { (x1, x2) =>
x1 + x2
// sum = 6
Still pretty simple.
val nums: Dataset[Int] =
val sum = nums.rdd.fold(0) { (x1, x2) =>
x1 + x2
// sum = 6
val nums = spark.createDataset(List(1,2,3))
val sum = nums.rdd.fold(0) { (x1, x2) =>
x1 + x2
// sum = 6
Can we abstract these folds away for reuse?
val nums = List(1,2,3)
val sum = nums.fold(0) { (x1, x2) =>
x1 + x2
// sum = 6
trait Combinable[A] {
def zero: A
def combine(x: A, y: A): A
implicit val addCombinable = new Combinable[Int] {
def zero: Int = 0
def combine(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
def fold[T](
list: List[T]
)(implicit m: Combinable[T]): T = {
list.fold(m.zero) { (t1, t2) =>
m.combine(t1, t2)
fold(List(1,2,3)) == 6
trait Monoid[A] {
def empty: A
def combine(x: A, y: A): A
implicit val addMonoid = new Monoid[Int] {
def empty: Int = 0
def combine(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
def fold[T](
list: List[T]
)(implicit m: Monoid[T]): T = {
list.fold(m.zero) { (t1, t2) =>
m.combine(t1, t2)
fold(List(1,2,3)) == 6
import cats.kernel.CommutativeMonoid
val addMonoid = new CommutativeMonoid[Int] {
def empty: Int = 0
def combine(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
// Run through cats law testing
[info] SimpleFoldsTest:
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.associative
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.collect0
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.combine all
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.combineAllOption
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.commutative
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.is id
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.left identity
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.repeat0
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.repeat1
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.repeat2
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.right identity
(yes, all the tests are green and passing)
def fold[T](
ds: Dataset[T]
)(implicit cm: CommutativeMonoid[T]): T = {
ds.rdd.fold(cm.empty) { (t1, t2) =>
cm.combine(t1, t2)
case class MyType(
name: String,
x: Int,
y: Option[Long])
// Can't really define empty for MyType
// Semigroup is like a Monoid without an `empty`
val cg = new CommutativeSemigroup[MyType] {
override def combine(
mt1: MyType,
mt2: MyType
): MyType = {
name = mt1.name, // pick a side... hmm...
x = mt1.x combine mt2.x,
y = mt1.y combine mt2.y)
[info] SimpleCustomMonoidsTest:
[info] - CommutativeSemigroup[MyType].commutativeSemigroup.associative
[info] - CommutativeSemigroup[MyType].commutativeSemigroup.combineAllOption
[info] - CommutativeSemigroup[MyType].commutativeSemigroup.commutative *** FAILED ***
[info] GeneratorDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException was thrown during property evaluation.
[info] (Discipline.scala:14)
[info] Falsified after 4 successful property evaluations.
[info] Location: (Discipline.scala:14)
[info] Occurred when passed generated values (
[info] arg0 = MyType(儐,-193145333,None),
[info] arg1 = MyType(,0,None)
[info] )
[info] Label of failing property:
[info] Expected: MyType(,-193145333,None)
[info] Received: MyType(儐,-193145333,None)
sum(x) as x,
sum(y) as y
group by name;
implicit val myTypeListMonoid = new Monoid[List[MyType]] {
override def empty: List[MyType] = List.empty[MyType]
override def combine(
x: List[MyType],
y: List[MyType]
): List[MyType] = {
(x ++ y).groupBy(_.name)
.map { case (k, myTypes) =>
myTypes.reduce { (mt1, mt2) =>
name = mt1.name,
x = mt1.x combine mt2.x,
y = mt1.y combine mt2.y)
implicit def myTypeDatasetMonoid(
implicit spark: SparkSession
) = new Monoid[Dataset[MyType]] {
import spark.implicits._
override def empty: Dataset[MyType] =
override def combine(
ds1: Dataset[MyType],
ds2: Dataset[MyType]
): Dataset[MyType] = {
.reduceGroups { (mt1, mt2) =>
name = mt1.name,
x = mt1.x combine mt2.x,
y = mt1.y combine mt2.y)
trait KeyValue[T, K, V] extends Serializable {
def to(t: T): (K, V)
def from(k: K, v: V): T
object MyType {
case class Values(
x: Int,
y: Option[Long])
implicit val kv =
new KeyValue[MyType, String, MyType.Values] {
def to(mt: MyType): (String, MyType.Values) =
(mt.name, MyType.Values(mt.x, mt.y))
def from(k: String, v: MyType.Values): MyType =
MyType(k, v.x, v.y)
import cats.implicits._
// CommutativeSemigroup that combines
// only the _values_ of MyType
implicit val sg =
new CommutativeSemigroup[MyType.Values] {
override def combine(
v1: MyType.Values,
v2: MyType.Values
): MyType.Values = {
// delegate to cats Semigroup instances
x = v1.x combine v2.x,
y = v1.y combine v2.y)
implicit def kvListMonoid[T, K, V: CommutativeSemigroup](
implicit kver: KeyValue[T, K, V]
) = new Monoid[List[T]] {
override def empty: List[T] = List.empty[T]
override def combine(
x: List[T],
y: List[T]): List[T] = {
(x ++ y).map(kver.to)
.map { case (k, kvs) =>
val combined: V = kvs
.reduce(_ combine _)
kver.from(k, combined)
def kvDatasetMonoid[T: Encoder, K: Encoder, V: Encoder: CommutativeSemigroup](
implicit kver: KeyValue[T, K, V], spark: SparkSession
) = new Monoid[Dataset[T]] {
import cats.implicits._
private val tupleEncoder: Encoder[(K, V)] = Encoders.tuple[K, V](
override def empty: Dataset[T] = spark.emptyDataset[T]
override def combine(ds1: Dataset[T], ds2: Dataset[T]): Dataset[T] = {
.groupByKey((kv: (K, V)) => kv._1)
.reduceGroups { (kv1: (K, V), kv2: (K, V)) =>
val (k1, v1) = kv1
val (k2, v2) = kv2
(k1, v1 combine v2)
.map { kkv: (K, (K, V)) =>
val (k, (kv)) = kkv
kver.from(k, kv._2)