Tools Interoperability and Model Lifecycle Management Working Group
Lonnie VanZandt, Enterprise Architect, Sodius
WHEREAS: Engineered solutions conceived, implemented, and deployed after the deployment of the Internet, if not more complicated, at the least are more explicitly and intentionally coupled than are those developed before the Internet Age.
WHEREAS: Engineering enterprises are typically no longer composed of either sole individuals or of small teams sharing a common managerial authority. Rather, these enterprises are composed of architects, engineers, and stakeholders from multiple organizations that are physically located in multiple sites around the world.
WHEREAS: Engineered solutions provide services to more people for more purposes and the failures of such solutions have increasingly grave consequences.
WHEREAS: Stakeholders are more concerned about the provenance of changes made in both the specifications of systems and in the deployed systems.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Existing practices and systems for the management of modeled lifecycle information are inadequate for the nature of today’s enterprises and today’s systems and more effective management systems are necessary to enable managers to manage enterprises that are responsible for systems acquisition and maintenance.