Originally emerged during the mid-1960's in the Unites States, then eventually spread around the world...
By Lorita Abazi
Hippies are usually associated with vivid clothing and long hair. They did not hesitate to flaunt flowers in their hair which explains why they were referred to as the 'flower children'. They also wore bandanas on their heads. Their authentic choice of clothing gave the impression that they were ripped and cut from colourful, patterned fabrics.
They ensured their appearance appeared laid back and fluent as they tried their best to deviate away from the social importance of appearance which is why some went bare foot and wore anklets as a symbol of their worship of natural beauty.
Anklets were worn as a part of their every day attire. Hippies embraced nature and the human body so they tended to opt for less clothing which is why they wore anklets with bare feet: as a symbol of natural beauty.
The peace sign was very important to the Hippie subculture. They wore this symbol often as a reflection of their values and beliefs. They were big supporters of free living, happiness and embracing each person as they are.
A superstition about hippies that they all were addicted to drugs was provided by the media: "extensive coverage of gatherings organized by Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, during which they encouraged and facilitated the open use of the hallucinogenic drug LSD."
Society even felt threatened by their non-conformist free lifestyle. Society did not understand the Hippie culture and perceived their style as a cover-up of their inadequacy and laziness. This led to an inaccurate perception of the whole culture.