A Perfect Web Project
Mai 2019 - Lucidweb
- Agile Project Management
- Devops
- Gitflow
- Quality rules
- Test Driven Development
- No more cascading/V cycles
- Mindset: transparency, trust
- Tooling: Jira
- Sprints with rituals
- describe user stories
- estimate (fibonacci, prev velocity)
- code
- test / refacto
- deliver
- review & retro
- repeat
- automate delivery
- automate tests
- automate any frequent task
- enforce quality
- improve sharing, onboarding and start jobs
- improve transparency and communication
- main tool: Continuous Integration environment (CI)
- no more time cunsumption
- no crash on delivery (stops if needed)
- can add any project & any step any time
- tag: production
- master: preproduction (e2e tests)
- develop: devs only (unit tests)
- branches: JIRA named
- dev, master = merge request & pair approval
- linter, prettier, prevent errors and help to code
- prevent git issue
- dev sharing and mentoring
- limit technical debt
- think first, then write test, then write code
- take 30% -> 15% more time at beginning
- save 40% -> 80% time at the end
- coverage: 80%
- dev sharing and mentoring
- no test = technical debt
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