October 6th, 2015
Source: http://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/images/science/GHGConc2000-large.jpg
Source: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/images/indicators/global-temp-and-co2-1880-2009.gif
Source: http://www.motherjones.com/blue-marble/2013/03/new-hockey-stick-graph-scarier
"What we found is that temperatures increased in the last hundred years as much as they had cooled in the last six or seven thousand," Marcot said. "In other words, the rate of change is much greater than anything we've seen in the whole Holocene era."
Source: http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-files/Guardian/documents/2011/02/10/CarbonWeb.pdf
More info: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/21/science/climate-change-intensifies-california-drought-scientists-say.html?_r=0
El Nino + Constant Risk + Climate Change = Perfect Storm
Photo Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/weather/2015/10/05/south-carolina-flooding-climate-change/73385778/
We got the power. Planning explicitly interacts with the main sources of GHG emissions.
U.S. CO2 Emissions by Source, 1990-2013
Source: http://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/gases/co2.html
This interesting fact goes out to all you conservationists: In the US, the management of forests and non-agricultural lands produces a net carbon sink. In 2013, this sink offset 13% of total emissions nationwide.
Federal and State level action mixed, often inadequate.
Regional and Local communities often lead the way.
Working in Unison. Common Understanding of Problem + Discussion of Values = Common Ground for Solutions
Organizes a community's vision through goals, milestone, and implementation actions that address climate change mitigation
*Many plans incorporate IPCC recommendations to lower emission levels by 80% by 2050 (baseline = 1990 levels)
Find it here: http://www.chicagoclimateaction.org/filebin/pdf/finalreport/CCAPREPORTFINALv2.pdf
Source: http://cnx.org/contents/1741effd-9cda-4b2b-a91e-003e6f587263@43.5:43/Sustainability:-A-Comprehensiv
Source: http://smithgill.com/media/pdfs/decarb_plan_for_web_5.pdf
October 8th, 2015
Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill allocated >$30billion in recovery spending
NYC Resiliency Plan: http://s-media.nyc.gov/agencies/sirr/SIRR_singles_Lo_res.pdf
Source: http://www.copenhagenize.com/2015/03/the-copenhagenize-current-stormwater.html
Cloudburst Streets, a green infrastructure adaptation response prompted by recognition of climate change + a large storm event
Copenhagen Adaptation Plan: http://en.klimatilpasning.dk/media/568851/copenhagen_adaption_plan.pdf
Assessing Priorities
Defining Risk Objectively
Defining Strategies by Scale
The question becomes, what can we do to minimize two things:
Source: https://www.law.georgetown.edu/academics/academic-programs/clinical-programs/our-clinics/HIP/images/Adaptive-overlay-zone.jpg
Source: http://bit.ly/1VGvMMw
Yankeetown, Florida
Source: http://changinglevycoast.org/page/2/
The globally responsible thing to do.
The locally responsible thing to do.