September 15, 2015
Ecological Analysis: Sandbar Formation
Ecological Analysis: Inherent Development Limitations
So what's McHard's basic premise?
Consider nature in designing development!
Seaside Saved by Dunes
"We have established that natural phenomena are dynamic interacting processes, responsive to laws, and that these proffer opportunities and limitations to human use."
"They therefore can be evaluated-- each area of land or water has an intrinsic suitability for certain single or multiple land uses and a rank order within these land use categories."
In more technical terms: Land Capability Analysis
*Collection of data, but not analysis
Portland Urban Growth Boundary
Leon County Urban Service Area
The plan:
September 17, 2015
Plain and simple, the process of identifying environmental consequences of human activities, before those activities begin and while we still have time to make mitigative decisions.
Purpose in a policy context: Provide decision makers with sound information about likely impacts of human actions and public with objective basis to collect comment and discussion.
The ethos of an impact assessment transcends any particular national model or framework, and the most successful are adapted to reflect local culture and attitudes.
Published in 1969 as attempt to categorize varying levels of participation and intent
Categorical Exclusions overturned in court
Assessments deemed inadequate in court