How effective is the combination of your media product & ancillary tasks?

Horror Trailer
Horror Magazine
Horror Poster

When creating all three of my media products, it was important to maintain the horror theme throughout. To understand & maintain the conventions of a horror film I conducted enough research into this genre, which involved looking at popular horror films. This meant I could then take these conventions and apply them to my products. I ensured all three of my media products included costumes, props, consistent fonts and main characters to allow viewers to see a clear link between all three products.  


The paranormal spirit/ghost's costume was important to get right as I needed the character to look scary. I followed the horror conventions by making my actor wear an old white gown to make viewers understand the characters historic and vintage appearance. This costume is present within the trailer and in the centre of my poster, which ensures my target audience can link the two medias together to then relate the white historic dress to the film. I also made sure the white dress looked old and dirty to make viewers believe the character wearing the clothing was also very dirty and old.


Within my media products, they're two main characters, the scary, sinister character and the victim. The scary character is known to be more important at the beginning of the trailer as all that is shown is this mysterious figure. Although this character is shown a lot, we never get to see her face which links within some conventions of not showing the audience the paranormal characters appearance. This allows suspense to build throughout my trailer until we finally see the characters face for a split second. This paranormal character also is linked to my trailer's poster as all that can be seen is the outline of her body and her dirty legs, making the viewers want to discover who this character is.

The Characters

Colours play a huge part within my trailer and my two ancillary tasks as my audience must be able to recognise and understand the theme and genre of my media from just looking at the types of colours I've used. Within my trailer I made sure the overall colour scheme was based around dark, depressing colours to represent the sinister, paranormal and scary atmosphere. I then linked these colours to my two ancillary tasks by using dark, simple colours such as grey and black. The only colour that was completely different was a bright red which I used on my magazine front cover to represent the magazines brand image and theme as well as promoting my horror trailer. I chose the colour red to give connotations of death towards my audience. I believe the colour scheme I consistently used alongside the glimpse of red worked effectively.


The font I used to display the horror trailer's name was consistently the same throughout all three of my media products. This made sure my target audience will always recognise 'Sheridan" because they will be aware of the style and font that is used throughout. If I had used a different font for every different product, their would be no complete link between all three products as my target audience wouldn't be able to relate back to the trailer. Additionally, the size of the trailer name is always shown to be large to ensure my target audience are aware of the name of the product straight away. I discovered the font I used on DaFont which is a free website to source unique fonts. I chose this font (shown below) as it links perfectly to the chosen genre of my trailer, being horror.

The Font

To conclude, I believe that my horror trailer and two ancillary products are very effective when brought together. I believe this is evidently shown through the links between all three products, such as the matching horror genre & conventions. For example, the main sinister character represented as an evil spirit/ghost in all three products through the use of editing the way she appears to look dirty, old and historic. The main focus and aim for my ancillary tasks was to gain my target audience's attention by completely promoting the main trailer. I did this by revealing subtle links and matches that are within either the poster or the magazine front cover and the trailer.


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