Django key concepts

by @luucamay_

Developer Advocate and Coach at Laboratoria

Open Code⋅Open Science⋅Open Education

A lot of the material derives from:

  • Django's Official Documentation
  • MDN
  • Django Girls


Welcome :)

👋 Introduce yourself in the chat 💬

  • Current role
  • Have you ever code in python?
  • Have you ever used Django?

Workshop Series Goal

* Show key concepts of Django Framework

* Use the key concepts to build our first app

Workshop Guidelines

* Be kind to each other

* Ask question whenever you need them

* Participate! This is a safe place to try and make mistakes while learning

Key Concepts

  • Routes and views

Key Concepts

  • Routes and views
  • Database and Models

Key Concepts

  • Routes and views
  • Database and Models
  • The Admin Site

Key Concepts

  • Routes and views
  • Database and Models
  • The Admin Site
  • Template language

Key Concepts

  • Routes and views
  • Database and Models
  • The Admin Site
  • Template language
  • Static Files: CSS and images

✔️ Task #1

¿What did you find?🔎

What did you find?

✔️ Task #1.1

Create new views with new URLS

Team Work!

✔️Task #2

¿What was new?🔎

What was new?

Apps vs Projects 👀

Django Project

Internal Apps

External Apps


Contact me!


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