Pattern I: subjectless clauses
Pattern II: objectless clauses
Pattern III: verbless clauses
Pattern IV: object-preposing clauses
Pattern V: topicalization clauses
Pattern VI: complex sentences
50% of the data are without subjects (p. 8)
*Subjectless clauses also very common in non-proverb clauses.
...only about 30 proverbs (4%) have objects omitted. The reference of the omitted object can often be inferred through s-selection of the transitive verb.
口語漢語內底,無物件的情形是足捷出現的;毋閣佇諺語內底,這種情形足少。 (p. 11)
Verbless clauses are not common (p. 14)
800个諺語內底,干焦80个有及物動詞的話有前置物件。 (p. 17)
漢語通常攏予人認為是話題優先的語言。毋閣,諺語內底足少這種情形的。若用嚴格的標準來看(愛有base-generated topics),資料內底干焦4%是這類的結構;若用較冗的標準來看(將前置物件的句算入來),嘛增加到12%爾。 (p. 18)
About two hundred and seventy items (27%) contain subordinate clauses. About three hundred items (30%) contain coordinate clauses. (p. 19)
Different from non-proverbs, proverbs often contain coordinate clauses as in (20) because they are easier to memorize. The coordinate clauses in proverbs do not necessarily involve parallel structures. Under the consideration of rhyming.