Automate Your

React Workflow



June 2019

Monica Powell

Hi, I'm Monica!

I'm a Full Stack Engineer at Meetup && organizer of the React Ladies community.







React App Architecture

 What is Scaffolding?

Scaffolding Options

 DIY Scaffolding




What does a typical React app look like?

Example modifed from: 

  • UI components are the building blocks
  • Multiple components with test, CSS, translation, etc. files locally scoped 


Adding components can be repetitive...


Let's just copy and paste everything we need!



        Let's use 


mail merge


Is it worth the time?


What is scaffolding?

  • Generating starter-code based on templates
  • Boilerplate code that is shared between components that share conventions.
  • Minimial Viable Component != ready for production.




Separate Templates Based on Type of Component

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export class MyComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
const MyComponent = (props) => {
    return (




Benefits of Scaffolding


  • Reduce time to generate new projects or components.
  • less error-prone than copy & pasting & editing
  • encourage consistency and implementation of  design patterns


Where should translations for this component live?

What's the current source of truth for our code standards?

Does every component go in the same folder?

How are components named?

What style should JavaScript components be written in?

Scaffolding Can Answer FAQs



What's the fastest way to get up and running with scaffolding?



  • React-boilerplate reduces overhead for developing a React app optimized for production

  • One-size-fits-all approach can unecessarily increase complexity and dependencies

  • Includes CLI tool to scaffold React components, containers, routes, selectors, etc.



`yarn run generate` 


  • React Ignite is similar to React-boilerplate but for React Native
  • Includes various customizable tools to jump start the creation of React Native applications
  •  "Ignite speeds up your app development by over two weeks on average."


Code Generators

More lightweight scaffolding solutions than

React Boilerplate and React Ignite




  • PlopJS is a microgenerator, and is used under the hood in React-Boilerplate

  • It generates files based on user input via a Command Line Interace (CLI).

  • Minimal setup required




  • Handlebars templating language

  • (similar to Mustache)


  • Inquirer.JS is a a collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.


Let's generate Kawaii Components


Structure of Kawaii Components



import { Backpack } from 'react-kawaii';

const Example = () => <Backpack size={ 300 } mood="lovestruck" color="#EC4067" />;

What we want to generate

* LovestruckBackpack
* Description: This component is a lovestruck Backpack.

import React from 'react';
import { Backpack } from 'react-kawaii'

function LovestruckBackpack() {
return (
<Backpack size={ 200 } mood="lovestruck" color="#EC4067" />


LovestruckBackpack.propTypes = {};

export default LovestruckBackpack;




Getting started with Plop

Create a handlebars template

* {{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}}
* Description: This component is a {{mood}} {{kawaiiComponent}}.

import React from 'react';
import { {{kawaiiComponent}} } from 'react-kawaii'

function {{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}}() {
return (
<{{kawaiiComponent}} size={ {{size}} } mood="{{mood}}" color="{{color}}" />


{{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}}.propTypes = {};

export default {{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}};


Getting started with Plop

Plop is essentially a node module that accesses the plop API through a plop object that is passed in as a parameter.


module.exports = function (plop) {
    // create your generators here
    plop.setGenerator('basics', {
        description: 'this is a skeleton plopfile',
        prompts: [], // array of inquirer prompts
        actions: []  // array of actions


What should we import?

Let's add out first prompt to select which Kawaii component we want to import

        type: "list",
        name: "kawaiiComponent",
        message: "Which Kawaii component would you like to generate?:",
        choices: [


What color do we want?

Let's add out first prompt to select which color we want our component to be

        type: "list",
        name: "color",
        message: "What color should the component be:",
        choices: ["eggplant", "mint", "bubblegum pink", "purple", "lime"],
        filter: colour =>
            "eggplant": "#2E294E",
            "mint": "#1B998B",
            "bubblegum pink": "#EC4067",
            "purple": "#9A39AB",
            "lime": "#C5D86D"


Let's select a size!

Let's create a prompt for what size our component should be

        type: "list",
        name: "size",
        message: "What size should the component be:",
        choices: ["extra small", "small", "medium", "large", "extra large"],
        filter: val =>
            "extra small": 100,
            "small": 200,
            "medium": 300,
            "large": 500,
            "extra large": 800


What mood are we in?


Let's add a prompt to select which the mood we want our component to have

        type: "list",
        name: "mood",
        message: "Mood:",
        choices: [


Copy & Populate Templates

Now what do we want to do with the user input we collected? 

actions: [
        type: "add",
        path: "src/{{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}}.jsx",
        templateFile: "src/plop-templates/kawaii-component-template.hbs"
        type: "add",
        path: "src/{{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}}.test.jsx",
        templateFile: "src/plop-templates/test.hbs"


Finished Plop File

Now what do we want to do with the user input we collected?

module.exports = function(plop) {
  plop.setGenerator("Generate Kawaii Component", {
    description: "Templates from the React Kawaii library ",
    prompts: [
        type: "list",
        name: "kawaiiComponent",
        message: "Which Kawaii component would you like to generate?:",
        choices: [
      }, // truncated for example...
    actions: [
        type: "add",
        path: "src/{{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}}.jsx",
        templateFile: "src/plop-templates/kawaii-component-template.hbs"
        type: "add",
        path: "src/{{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}}.test.jsx",
        templateFile: "src/plop-templates/test.hbs"


 Autoimport Component

        type: "append",
        path: "src/index.js",
        pattern: /import ".\/index.css"[;]/,
        unique: true,
        templateFile: "src/plop-templates/import-component-template.hbs"

        type: "append",
        path: "src/index.js",
        pattern: /<\/h1>/,
        unique: true,
        templateFile: "src/plop-templates/render-component-template.hbs"


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./index.css";
// import generated component here

   <!-- reference imported component here -->




 Autoimport Component


// src/plop-templates/import-component-template.hbs
import {{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}} from './{{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}}';

// src/plop-templates/render-component-template.hbs
<{{properCase mood}}{{properCase kawaiiComponent}} />,



Getting started with Plop

* LovestruckBackpack
* Description: This component is a lovestruck Backpack.

import React from 'react';
import { Backpack } from 'react-kawaii'

function LovestruckBackpack() {
return (
<Backpack size={ 200 } mood="lovestruck" color="#EC4067" />


LovestruckBackpack.propTypes = {};

export default LovestruckBackpack;


 Getting Started with Plop Summary


1. Create handlebar templates

2. Create a plopfile and import plop

3. Define generator:

  • description
  • prompts
  • actions to carry out


  • Create a CLI tool with conditional logic using Plop
  • Some ideas:

    • generate metadata for Gatsby blog posts and pages
    • generator components from a component library that you use regularly



Thank You!



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