Spatial Humanities
DH 102: Data in the Humanities
November 15, 2016
Prof. Mackenzie Brooks
What is Spatial History?
Visualizing the Railway Space
What is the Spatial Turn?
The Geographic Imagination of Civil War-Era American Fiction
2-3 main points of the article
1 thing you didn't quite understand
1 question for the rest of the class to answer
What is Spatial History?
Time and space are connected
"Spatial relations shift and change. Space is itself historical."
Representations of space vs. representational space (space experienced through symbolic associations)
Spatial relations are about movement (remember that maps are ultimately static)
GIS is also representational
Absolute space = actual distances + measurements
"means of doing research"
What is the Spatial Turn?
Disciplines care about space, and have for a long time, but GIS changed the game
Disciplines care about space in different ways
The "turn" is an evaluation of the thinking of a discipline
"Spatial turn represents the impulse to position these new tools against old questions."
Visualizing the Railway Space
Visualization is interpretation (via mental models).
Space AND time are visualized.
What about the novel as work of art?
How do you map fictional places?
The Geographic Imagination of Civil War-Era American Fiction
Good research question: how can we define/assess the geographic imagination of American fiction around the Civil War?
Two narratives/frameworks: American Renaissance (1850s) and post-Civil War Regionalism
US place names correlate to population (to some degree)
Rise of regionalism, as previously understood, is questionable
"aggregation involved almost inevitably damps the magnitude of the observed shift"
See methods section!
Methodology Review
Railroads and the Making of Modern America
Civil War DC
Mapping the Second Klu Klux Klan
Negro Travelers’ Green Book
Black Liberation 1969 Archive
Textual Geographies
Unit 3 project
Use existing data set or create your own?
Use new data or familiar data?
Use historical map or not?
What type of map?
Dropped pins
Places to go for data
Places to go for maps
Unit 3 Research Collab
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