Welcome to Tour of Rahâ

What is Rahâ?

  • Rahâ is a solution for dynamic systems ^_~
    • system requirements change over time.
  • Rahâ represents real-world systems by modeling key elements (providing a simplified view).
  • Rahâ in search for best-practices nixing historical-practices.
  • Rahâ's mind-set is to create a new world, by reanalyzing the requirements and redesigning the solution.

#a leader in future innovation #implicates management of concerns #future proof #future-friendly


Programming Language

  • Rahâ is a High-level Machine Language.
  • A General-purpose language to improve productivity.
  • #Extensible
    • Define new languages or extend existing ones;
    • Add new features thanks to Raha’s extension architecture.
  • Using controlled web APIs, leads to avoiding complexity.

#all-in-one language #unified #user-friendly #readable #well-defined #easy-to-learn

Write less code

The most important metric you're not paying attention to that reduces ratio of bugs per line of code.

#garbage-collected language


If you know HTML, CSS, and Javascript, you know Raha

#structure layer #behavior layer #presentation layer


From simple HTML templates to powerful UI components


Raha is powering high-traffic websites


Delivers a rich user experience with a robust feature set

#typed language


Rahâ provides a modern workflow to :steps across platforms.

  • develop: design, implement
  • build: Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a web page.
  • (live) preview
  • deploy: upload to edge worker
  • scale


Valued Community

  • Our community only grows because of your creativity and support.
  • We can’t wait to see what you build next.



it’s our mission to simplify cloud computing so developers and businesses can spend more time creating software that changes the world.



Application Builder

#step your game up #self-hosted #cloud-hosted


Structure Editor

  • A development tool to Work Smarter, Not Harder for building web applications;
  • Rahâ implements at low-level, what techie designs at high-level;
  • Modern modular architecture allows Rahâ to create wonders;
  • It manages life-cycle of application.

#PWA #low-code development environment #easy-to-build #clear code

Rahâ Transformer

  • Seamlessly converts application source to Web platform.
  • It builds blazing fast executable programming application.

#ready-to-use #robust #reliable 

Rahâ Runtime System

  • A JavaScript framework for front-end and back-end.
  • Light as a feather
    • The core is 20.6KiB minified & gzipped;
    • The front-end is around 1KiB;
    • The back-end extensions add 0.3-0.5KiB each.
  • Dead simple
    • Include runtime-system.js
    • use web APIs
    • done!

#zero-dependencies #feature-rich #platform-independent

Rahâ front-end framework

  • It is modern responsive framework with built-in user interfaces;

  • It supports responsive mobile first design by default;

  • It is smaller and faster than similar frameworks;

  • It can also speed up and simplify web development because it is easier to learn, and easier to use than other frameworks;

  • The best JavaScript framework to build your next application.

#mobile-first #offline-first #no virtual dom #free-to-use #ready-to-use

Rahâ back-end framework

Under construction...

#entity-first #cloud-first #zero-downtime-deployment #roadmap

Rahâ Extension Registry

#third party extension #free to try

  • This is a code hosting service for Rahâ tools/scripts;
  • Currently Rahâ Repository backed by       GitHub instead of npm;
  • Would you use any of the following Raha-hosted reusable scripts or libraries on PWA?

Rahâ Platform

Under construction...

#zero-configuration #zero-maintenance #back-end as a service #roadmap

  • We Manage, You Build
  • We offer a performant solution with a fair pay-per-use pricing and no hidden costs

Edge Worker

#zero-configuration #zero-maintenance #back-end as a service #roadmap

  • Developers can not only write sandboxed code at our edge;
  • they can also store data at the edge with Workers KV;
  • more recently, coordinate state within our giant network using Durable Objects.



Web responses can be delivered to the user from a Edge Worker located near the user.



The cloud provider constantly keeps the underlying platform up-to-date.

Easy to scale

#worry-free #easy-to-use 

It is the cloud provider’s business to scale up the infrastructure on demand.

You write the JavaScript and we handle the rest, from distribution to scaling and concurrency.


#usage-based pricing model #zero-cost upload network traffic

You only pay for what you use. Hosting static files on the cloud can cost just a few cents a month.

(or even be free in some cases)

Rahâ Knowledge Base

Under construction...

#learn-to-use #understandable documentation #a to z application programming

Rahâ Smart Agent

Under construction...


Supported Engines

  • Chrome (desktop & Android)
  • Firefox
  • Safari 12+ (desktop & iOS)
  • Latest version of other web browsers
  • Node.js 10+

RahâGroup's products have been tested and works on the following engines:

Used by

Who is using Rahâ?

#Raha-powered web applications

Mentioned by

In an event of techie professionals, the experts expressed their high opinion of Rahâ and it's considerably brilliant features to help techie of all scientific or academic fields to ease up and expedited their scholarly and diverse efficiently.

Sponsored by

Rahâ wouldn't be as successful as it is today without our sponsors' kind support, and great efforts made by our team. The following sponsors currently support Rahâ:

Sponsored by

If you'd like Rahâ to grow even stronger, please become a sponsor today by donating via Paypal to support Raha's ongoing maintenance and development.

Stay connected

Stay in touch with Rahâ’s community and keep track of development and community news by subscribing to the Raha’s Blog, Telegram channel and YouTube channel.


The official docs are a great place to discover new things.

Issue Tracker

Are you experiencing problems with Rahâ? report issues and find solutions to your problems here.

Feature Request

You are always welcome to ask for more features to be added to Rahâ.


Stay up to date with meetups, conferences and more.


Looking for help? please first check out the official (mentioned before) and unofficial (e.g. Stack Overflow) resources. If you are still experiencing problems, feel free to create a new issue.


RahâGroup's products are distributed under the

CC-BY-ND-4.0 License.








Handcrafted with ❤️ , by Mahdi NezaratiZadeh

Made with Slides.com