Presented by
Space allocated by
Symfony Experts
Steven Rosato, B. Ing
President & Founder @ Solutions Majisti
Steven Rosato
Small company near Montreal (Boisbriand) focussed on development with Symfony and React/Redux.
1 year
8 meetups in 2016 every 6 weeks
- Docker & Symfony (16/11/2015)
- Symfony 3.0 (25/01/2016)
- Full Stack Testing with Symfony - Steven Rosato (15/03/2016)
- API with FOSRestBundle
- Create a CMS with SonataAdminBundle
- How to Optimise Doctrine
- Symfony Caching System
- SyliusBundle
17h30 - 19h00 Networking
19h00 - 20h00 Presentation
After... Pub Victoria
a Boob
a Guru
Don't be a boob
Boob tip #1: You are poorer than you think
Your prototype will go in production
Psst... Guru tip #1
Your project will need maintenance
Guru tip #2
Your client's needs will evolve
TDD: Test Driven Development
BDD: Behaviour Driven Development
DDD: Domain Driven Design approach
class Counter
public function testTick()
$counter = new Counter();
$count = $counter->tick();
$this->assertEquals($count, 1);
What's wrong?
class Counter
public function shouldIncrementCounterByOneByDefault()
$counter = new Counter();
$expectedCount = $counter->current() + 1;
$this->checkThat($expectedCount, equalTo($counter->tick()));
public function shouldIncrementCounterByDefinedStep()
$step = 2;
$counter = new Counter($step);
$expectedCount = $counter->current() + $step;
$this->checkThat($expectedCount, equalTo($counter->tick()));
Object behaviour
No reverse implementation
class CustomerAccountTest extends UnitTest
public function testUpdateReservationWillCancelPastReservation()
$currentReservation = m::mock(HotelReservation::class);
$reservationToUpdate = m::mock(HotelReservation::class);
$currentReservation ->shouldReceive('setStatus')
$this->uut->updateReservation($currentReservation );
$this->assertEquals('CANCELLED', $currentReservation ->getStatus());
$this->assertEquals('NEW', $reservationToUpdate->getStatus());
$this->assertEquals($currentReservation , $this->uut->getLastReservation());
$this->assertEquals($reservationToUpdate, $this->uut->getCurrentReservation());
What's wrong?
CustomerAccount has:
True story bro. Real world case. Even though I wrote tests, I ended up with this god object because I did not think about the Object's Behaviour.
* @author Steven Rosato <>
class CustomerAccountTest extends UnitTest
public function shouldUpdateAReservation....????()
Thinking object's behaviour forces us to come back to the drawing boards and come up with a better solution for the current problem
* @author Steven Rosato <>
* @property ReservationBooker $uut
class ReservationBookerTest extends UnitTest
* @var StateMachineFactory|m\MockInterface
private $stateMachineFactory;
public function setUp()
$this->stateMachineFactory = m::mock(StateMachineFactory::class);
$this->uut = new ReservationBooker($this->stateMachineFactory);
* @author Steven Rosato <>
* @property ReservationBooker $uut
class ReservationBookerTest extends UnitTest
* @test
public function shouldUpdateAReservationForACustomerByCancellingHisPreviousOne()
$currentReservation = new HotelReservation();
$reservationToUpdate = new HotelReservation();
$account = m::spy(CustomerAccount::class);
$this->uut->updateReservation($account, $reservationToUpdate);
class: Majisti\Domain\Reservation\Reservation
property_path: state
graph: default
- pending
- confirmed
- abandoned
- cancelled
Off load testing through the entire pyramid
$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('sign in');
$I->fillField('username', 'Steven');
$I->fillField('password', 'qwerty');
$I->see('Welcome, Steven!');
namespace Tests\Ez\Legacy\ConsoleCommands;
class DesktopAppsDeploymentCommandCest extends DeploymentCommandCest
const COMMAND_TO_RUN = 'ez:legacy:desktop-apps:config';
* @param FunctionalTester $tester
public function seeTheModifiedScannerAppConfigFileWithNewValues(FunctionalTester $tester)
$this->deleteTestFile($tester, DataConfiguration::scannerAppConfigOutput());
$optionName = DesktopAppsDeploymentCommand::SCANNER_APP_OPTION_NAME;
$tester->runCommand(static::COMMAND_TO_RUN, array('--' . $optionName => null));
namespace Tests\Integration;
* @author Guyllaume Cardinal <>
* @group media.finding
class MediaFindingTest extends IntegrationTest
* @var MediaFinder
private $mediaFinder;
public function _before()
/** @var Filesystem $fileSystem */
$fileSystem = $this->getContainer()->get('oneup_flysystem.album_filesystem');
$fileFilter = new FileFilter(new Blacklist(array(
__DIR__ . '/path/to/fileA.jpg',
__DIR__ . '/path/to/directoryA',
$this->mediaFinder = new MediaFinder($fileSystem, $fileFilter);
namespace Tests\Integration;
* @author Guyllaume Cardinal <>
* @group media.finding
class MediaFindingTest extends IntegrationTest
* @test
* @group media.finding.blacklist
public function shouldNotReturnBlacklistedFiles()
'MediaFinder did not properly filter files',
namespace Edm\Test\Unit\Album\Finder;
use Mockery as m;
* @author Guyllaume Cardinal <>
class MediaFinderTest extends UnitTest
public function setup()
//other mocks...
$this->fileFilterMock = m::spy(FileFilter::class);
$this->mediaFinder = new MediaFinder(
namespace Edm\Test\Unit\Album\Finder;
use Mockery as m;
* @author Guyllaume Cardinal <>
class MediaFinderTest extends UnitTest
public function testShouldIgnoreCertainFilesUsingAFileFilter()
$fakeDirectory = $this->createFakeDirectory();
Virtual Browser
Command line
Set of classes
One per class
Objects Interactions
Real browser
Third party libraries
Nightly builds
On commit build
phamtomjs + xfvb or SauceLabs ($$$) for Acceptance testing
Integration Layer
Functional Layer
Step in the right direction, but we are missing..
Stop manually testing using rest clients
Stop manually refreshing your browser
Use Symfony's TypeTestCase
* @author Steven Rosato <>
* @group mail
class MailSendingTest extends IntegrationTest
* @test
* @group mail.messageCount
public function itShouldSendAContactEmailToUserAndAdmin()
$collector = $this->getCollector();
$this->checkThat($collector, is(notNullValue()));
$this->checkThat($collector->getMessageCount(), is(equalTo(2)));
* @return MessageDataCollector
private function getCollector()
return $this->getClient()->getProfile()->getCollector('swiftmailer');
* Come talk to me for more info. This subject could cover an entire presentation by itself
Stuff to still dig in...
Wow this is a lot!
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Symfony Experts