Family games for children and adults (home fun)

A child understands the world through play. The game develops, educates, teaches. In the process of play activities like fun trivia questions, the child learns the rules and manners of behavior that he will need to cope with life's difficulties. Children may enjoy playing alone, but they also usually enjoy playing with others. While a child plays alone, he conducts a kind of internal dialogue, and playing with other children, as well as with parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers or friends represents communication, exchange of information and experience. It is important that the child has the opportunity for both. In the process of playing together, opinions and knowledge are transmitted, behavior patterns are developed and skills are trained. Try to have your child play with other children, and also find time to play together.

In most cases, play with young children consists of simple actions, usually repeated frequently, accompanied by a standard set of words. Small children really like it. The older the child, the more he understands, and the more complex his play actions become.

In joint games, children play different roles, which reflect the child's daily experiences and own views. Problems are discussed, beliefs are formulated, and explanatory work takes place. During the game, rules and values ​​are transmitted that are useful in other situations.

The best cooperative indoor games occur spontaneously and occur without formal instruction or direction. However, some family games for children and adults are presented below. Try them out at your next celebration. Perhaps these family fun activities will suit you and your household best.



When organizing active games at home for children and adults, pay attention to the following:


  • "It's me",
  • “Bundle with a gift” (this game is conditionally mobile),
  • "Search for treasure."

"It's me!"


This family game can be played if at least 4 people are ready to play. You can play it both at home and on the street, but, perhaps, only in the summer.



  1. All participants form a circle. You can stand, you can bring chairs and sit down.
  2. The driver is chosen using a counting rhyme.
  3. The driver calls the names of two participants. For example, dad and Katya. Having heard their names, dad and Katya must change places.
  4. The driver must try to get ahead and be the first to take the place of one of the named participants, Papa or Katino.
  5. The participant left without a seat turns into the driver and himself names the following names.

Game "It's Me!" is an excellent way to develop attention and train reaction speed.

"Bundle with a gift"


To play this game with your family, you need to involve as many participants as possible, it will be more fun.

The main props are pre-prepared - a package with a surprise.



This is done like this : a small souvenir is wrapped in wrapping paper and carefully, preferably in one place, secured with tape. Then follows another layer of paper, secured with tape, and another, and another. You need to pack the souvenir until there are quite a lot of layers. You should carefully tape the layers so that it is easy to unroll the package.

Such gaming competitions for children and adults should be provided with musical accompaniment. In particular, this competition requires a cheerful music track with short pauses every 15-20 seconds of music. If there is no such track, appoint someone responsible for the music (he will stop the melody at short intervals).


The game itself is organized as follows:


  1. Participants stand or sit in a circle.
  2. To the music, they begin to pass the package around in a circle from hand to hand.
  3. The participant holding the package when the music stops must remove one layer of packaging.
  4. The music resumes, and the bundle moves again in a circle.
  5. At the next pause, the next layer is removed and so on.

By regularly conducting similar games for children at home, you can develop in them such a wonderful human quality as the ability to share. The winner does not receive the prize for any special talents or achievements. As the number of wrappers decreases, it will become increasingly difficult for children to decide to give the package to the next player. And following this rule will teach you to be responsible in your interactions with others, as well as to follow accepted rules and fulfill voluntarily assumed obligations.

The game trains children’s ability to be happy for another person, sincerely congratulate them on success, and not consider such a loss as a personal defeat.

However, it is better to end this and other family competitions with the participation of children with a little encouragement for each of the players. Small souvenirs will help the losers sincerely rejoice at someone else's victory.

"Treasure Search"


The good thing about the game is that all family members can play it, and parents, as the most experienced and cunning ones, will have to come up with a game plan, the tasks themselves and write them down on cards (for example, “under the window”, “in the locker”, “on the chair”) ").

For children who can read, this is not difficult, but for younger ones who have not yet mastered this skill, tasks can be presented in the form of pictures, even schematic ones.



Clues are hidden in different places of the house or apartment.

When drawing up a search plan, parents should take into account the capabilities of their children and their age. It is best for kids to draw a search plan, marking the beginning of the path with a cross. For children who already know how to read or are at least learning to read, text prompts are compiled. It could be a word, a phrase, or even a small phrase.

The first card is given out just like that or, if you want to complicate the beginning of the game, as a prize for a solved riddle or a solved puzzle. The remaining clues are placed in different places in the home, as pointers to the next search point. For example, a card with the word "window sill" indicates that the next sign can be found by examining all the windows of the house.

For older children, you can make the task more difficult and use riddles, word games, or puzzles instead of direct instructions.


Summer games for adults and children

Summer is a period of active recovery from the winter cold and boring evenings at home. At this time of year, many parents have the opportunity to spend more time with their children. When the summer school holidays begin and the first storm of emotions from the coming summer passes, you will most likely be thinking about what to do with your child. If your children are already tired of swimming and playing football, offer them new and interesting activities that will unite your whole family and provide you with warm memories for a lifetime. Spend this time doing activities that the whole family can participate in. Do you know what to play with your child in the summer beside trivia quiz?


Let's play travel


If the whole family is going to visit another region or another country, start the summer holidays by turning part of the house into the place where you are going. Study this country or region, find 2-3 distinctive features of this area and reproduce them at home. Plan daily educational games at home with your children on these imaginary journeys.

Let's have a picnic together


Even picnics can be turned into family games for children. For them it is always a small interesting and fun journey. And if you take with you not only your parents, but also your friends and their parents!... If your child goes to the senior group of a kindergarten or elementary school, contact the parents of his kindergarten or school friends and organize a joint picnic. Arrange for everyone to bring a blanket, various toys and, of course, something tasty. Before this activity, you and other parents should find out if any of your children have food allergies.


We organize a photo hunt

For older children or those interested in photography, organize a photo hunt. Prepare a list of items found in your yard or area. Take pictures of these items with your child, and then upload the pictures to your computer.



Celebrating Nature Protection Day

Your children and their friends can take part in environmental activities with you. Come up with 2-3 activities that help the environment, such as planting young trees and watching them grow over the summer. Collect old clothes and use them as work shorts and cover-ups. Let the children act out skits in their new outfits.



The most interesting thing about the idea of ​​gardening is that it is a very long activity that requires careful preparation, because you need to start taking care of the plants in early spring. Before you start organizing even the smallest vegetable garden or garden, look at catalogs and useful websites with your children, write down ideas, and then decide what you want to grow - flowers or vegetables? Children will love to monitor any plantings, and the harvest of vegetables will also come in handy in the kitchen. In the spring, go shopping for seeds and fertilizers, and in the summer, tend to your garden.


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