How to keep finances

Every person when thinks about their expenses and income. Therefore, we made this article for them, so that they beat, prepared for this action.

These seven rules will help you financially improve your life:

More expenses than income

This rule is a very good step towards financial independence. If you have a lot of expenses and less income, then this is very bad. You will always live on loans. Banks will tell you everything is fine , but it is not. They feel good about it, because you take a loan from them, and you will have problems. Therefore, it is better to take and check whether you are spending money there.

Start to properly manage your expenses

First, you should always have a financial reserve. There are a lot of sharp turns in life, it is unrealistic to predict them.

For example: korda you are ill with a very difficult disease or your relatives. You need to have money for medicines, money for doctors. And if this does not happen, you will again go into debt and loans, since this is an urgent situation. Save 10-15 % every month. And you will have not only a reserve, but also more money.

Second, always get rid of debt first. If you already have debts, then there is no need to panic, you need to pay them off immediately. First you have to pay off debts with a high interest rate, and then others. You can take from the money that you saved as a percentage of deposits per month. Third: always think ahead. If you are no longer young, then you need to think about retirement. Making investments, investing in a deposit, it is always boring to save a little money.

Make a finance sheet or, as it is called, a budget

The budget is the way to get rich. He will make your financial life even better.

But how do you do it? You just need to take a simple sheet of paper and a calculator. On it you need to write all your expenses for the month.

And count every penny.

And then see what needs to be removed from this list. When you do this, you will see that you have money. But you should know, do not throw out a lot, you need to reasonably treat this. From you and made your home budget. This is an obligatory point towards the goal.

Calculating your real earnings

Besides the budget, you need to know your real earnings. To do this, you need to calculate how much income you have in seven. If there are not many of them, from 2 to 3 , then it is still easy to calculate, and if there are many and unstable, then it is already difficult.

Consider the first case: if you have a stable income, then take a calculator and on which sheet write your earnings, this is needed to compare income and expenses.

The second case: if your income is unstable, then estimate the average and count. But it will take you time.

Don't trust the financial experts on the internet

“ Many people have become rich and they can give good advice ” so many think, but this is not exactly how their advice is paid for and it helped only a few people and was aimed at the interests of third parties.

Set yourself a goal

To beat motivation, you need to set yourself a goal. Motivation is needed so that you earn more. And they reached their goal. You always need to remind yourself of your goal, and then you will think not how to spend money, but how to save it.

Buy things that are practical

Practicality is a very good thing for finance. Take advise from carding forum. For example: a car, if you buy a practical car, it will take less gasoline, lower maintenance and repair costs, and minimal tax. This practicality will save you a lot of money over time, and you will be glad you bought a good car. So from other things.

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