Every man has been there at some point. The guys are sitting around, enjoying some brews when their inner 13-year-old comes out and asks, “How many times has everyone ejaculated in 24 hours?” Of course, a few will be humbly honest and say maybe two or three times, and then there are the others who will act like it is an Olympic competition and casually say, “Oh, seven or eight times, but I slept for like 10 hours that day and was at work too,” implying that had they had a free day, they’d be in the double digits. Of course, teenage numbers are definitely different because as a man ages, things below belt slow down. Looking at the mechanics of ejaculation, how many times an average, adult male can ejaculate in one day.


The Mechanics of Erection and Ejaculation

Every man has been there at some point. The guys are sitting around, enjoying some brews when their inner 13-year-old comes out and asks, “How many times has everyone ejaculated in 24 hours?” Of course, a few will be humbly honest and say maybe two or three times, and then there are the others who will act like it is an Olympic competition and casually say, “Oh, seven or eight times, but I slept for like 10 hours that day and was at work too,” implying that had they had a free day, they’d be in the double digits. Of course, teenage numbers are definitely different because as a man ages, things below belt slow down. Looking at the mechanics of ejaculation, how many times an average, adult male can ejaculate in one day. The Mechanics of Erection and Ejaculation
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