It can feel like pins and needles or just like a dull ache. It can be big or small, pink or red, and serious or a simple nuisance. Penis irritation affects every man at some point in his life, most likely more than once. While it’s easy to jump to conclusions and think the worst, most times it’s something easy to fix and even easier to prevent. Let’s talk about what causes irritated penis skin and how to revere penis irritation.

It can feel like pins and needles or just like a dull ache. It can be big or small, pink or red, and serious or a simple nuisance. Penis irritation affects every man at some point in his life, most likely more than once. While it’s easy to jump to conclusions and think the worst, most times it’s something easy to fix and even easier to prevent. Let’s talk about what causes irritated penis skin and how to revere penis irritation.
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