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Guided By : Prof. Mitesh Khapra (IIT Madras),
Prof. Pratyush Kumar (IIT Madras)
Name : Manideep Ladi
Roll Number : CS20M036
Sign Language is a visual language, to convey meaning, it uses hand gestures, facial expressions, and finger movements such as eye gazing, mouth movement, eyebrows, body movements and head orientation.
It has its own syntax and vocabulary, as well as articulation pace and lexicon, which set it apart from regional spoken languages. Furthermore, despite some similarities, no global sign language exists, and it varies by location, much like natural language.
Sign Language recognition (SLR) is a collaborative field that combines pattern matching, computer vision, and natural language processing to bridge the communication gap between sign language users and non-users.
It is a well-known research problem but not a well-studied problem.
SLR problem is divided into two types: a) Isolated SLR b) Continous SLR
In this work, we focus on the Isolated Sign Language Recognition problem.
Available Isolated Datasets:
Sign Language Recognition Models:
OpenHands: Making Sign Language Recognition Accessible with Pose-based Pretrained Models across Languages
This paper introduce OpenHands, a library where they take four key ideas from the NLP community for low-resource languages and apply them to sign languages for word-level recognition.
It is a open-source library, all models and datasets in OpenHands with a hope that it makes research in sign languages more accessible.
Standardizing on pose as the modality.--->6 different sign languagues
Standardized comparison of models across languages.---> 4 different models
Corpus for self-supervised training.---> 1100 hrs of preprocessed Indian sign data
Effectiveness of self-supervised training.
4 Key Ideas of OpenHands:
Methods in NLP for low-resource Languages:
Data Augmentation, Pretraining, Multilinguality, and Transfer Learning are the few methods are used when we have scarcity of the data.
Dense predictive Coding:
Architecture of DPC
SLR requires a large amount of labelled data because it is a classification problem; yet, labelling data is a time-consuming process that involves a lot of manual effort. We propose a large multilingual pose-based Sign Language Dataset for self-supervised learning and fine-tuning on labelled datasets (low resource languages).
The 1800-hour pose dataset for pretraining encompasses five sign languages (American, Australian, Chinese, Russian and Spanish) and was gathered entirely from YouTube and then preprocessed.
To accomplish this, we developed the SLR pipeline, which consists of five stages: data crawling, metadata extraction and cropping, pose extraction, data storage, and training.
Apart from collecting raw datasets for pretraining, two available datasets (MSASL and ASLLVD) were also collected, preprocessed using the SLR pipeline and trained using pose based models.
Created benchmark fingerspelling dataset using the pipeline and then trained using pose based models using the pipeline. Also during this experimentation, we will see how multilinguality helps in achieving good results.
Added support for these datasets in the OpenHands library which is open source.
Original image
After cropping
Original image
Final Pose keypoints
Image with keypoints
Dataset Quality Checks:
To test the quality of the data we collected we have implemented some sanity checks on the data and curated the data by having some thresholds for each language
A few questions are as follows:
Is the person signing?
Is the person oriented properly?
Fractions representing Data Quality Checks for each language
Final Pose data statistics:
Isolated Dataset Details:
MS-ASL and ASLLVD, two isolated datasets of American were collected and supported in the OpenHands repository.
MS-ASL has 1000 classes signed by 222 signers with 16054, 5287, and 4172 as train, validation and test split respectively.
ASLLVD dataset contains videos of 2745 ASL glosses, each created by a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6 native ASL signers, totalling about 9,748 signs divided into a train-test split as 7798 and 1950 respectively.
Finger Spelling Dataset:
We have collected finger spelling videos from Youtube and preprocessed them to create a benchmark dataset for fingerspelling.
For the two isolated datasets, we collected and preprocessed we have created benchmark accuracies using the models available in OpenHands
Isolated Dataset Experiment results:
Improvements using pretrained dataset:
Finger Spelling Experiment Results:
Isolated is well studied compared to Continuous SLR models because of the complexity they possess and labelled multilingual datasets are very hard to create or generate in those cases pretraining approaches may work better and give good results.
WenetSpeech Corpus paper-
Yan S., Xiong, Y., and Lin D. 2018. Spatial temporal graph convolutional networks for skeleton-based action recognition.
Cheng, K.; Zhang, Y.; Cao, C.; Shi, L.;Cheng, J.; and Lu, H. 2020a. Decoupling gcn with dropgraph module for skeleton-based action recognition. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).
\bibitem{B18} Cheng, Y.-B.; Chen, X.; Zhang, D.; and Lin, L. 2021. Motion-Transformer: Self-Supervised PreTraining for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
Han, T.; Xie, W.; and Zisserman, A. 2019. Video representation learning by dense predictive coding
Thank you
Few more Results: