Test Automation using frameworks like Capybara and introduction to Cucumber

Web-based automation tools

  1. Selenium

  2. Watir

  3. Capybara

Why we need automation framework ?  

  • Easy to read and maintain.

  • Agile/TDD environments.

  • Avoid doing repetitive tasks.



  • Capybara is a library/gem built to be used on top of an underlying web-based driver.


  • Tool of choice for developing web-based automated tests.

  • Capybara will try to locate the relevant element in the DOM (Document Object Model) and execute the action, such as click button, link, etc.


  • it offers a user-friendly DSL (Domain Specific Language) which is used to describe actions that are executed by the underlying web driver.

  • Capybara will try to locate the relevant element in the DOM (Document Object Model) and execute the action, such as click button, link, etc.


  • Here are some of the web drivers supported by Capybara:

​       rack::test




gem install capybara

Basic DSL


  • visit(page_url)
  • click_link(link_text or id_of_link)
  • click_button(text)
  • fill_in('id_of_control', with=>"value")
  • choose(radio_button)
  • check(check_box)
  • uncheck(check_box)
  • select('option', :from=>"select box")




Introduction to Cucumber

  • Cucumber is a powerful tool to write BDD Tests

  • You can write your scenarios and definitions with common language
Feature: Find the GameSparks Website

Scenario: Search for the website        
    Given I am on the Google homepage
    Then I will search for "GameSpark"
    Then I should see "GameSpark"
    Then I will click the Get Started link

1. Describe behaviour in plain text

2. Write a step definition in Ruby

Given(/^I am on the Google homepage$/) do
    visit 'http://www.google.com'




Then(/^I will search for "(.*?)"$/) do |searchText|
    fill_in 'lst-ib', :with => searchText


Then(/^I should see "(.*?)"$/) do |expectedText|
    page.should have_content(expectedText)



Then(/^I will click the Get Started link$/) do
    click_link('Get Started')

3.        Run and watch it fail.

4.        Write code to make the step pass.

5.       Repeat 2-5 until green like a cuke


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