Angular Elements

Hi, I'm Marcell

Father, Software Engineer


1. Theory


2. Practice

What is Angular Elements?

Shipped with v6.0.0


Framework Independent

Portable Angular Components

    <script src="ng-calendar.js"></script>

Web Components

Custom Elements 👉 Docs

Rob Wormland 👉 Repo

Same API as native DOM (attributes, properties, methods, events)

customElements.define('ng-calendar', CalendarComponent);

Familiar Lifecycle Callbacks (connected, disconnected, adopted, attributeChanged)

Official Angular Elements Page 👉 Docs


Chrome, Safari, Opera natively

👉 more info

We have polyfills

👉 webcomponents polyfills


What we need is:

👉 @angular/elements

import { createCustomElement } from '@angular/elements';
const calendar = createCustomElement(CalendarComponent, { injector });
customElements.define('ng-calendar', calendar);

Let's get our hands dirty


  • Portable Calendar
  • Built with Angular
  • Input: Events
  • Output: Selected Event


Credits To

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