Getting started with


Marcell Kiss


Marcell Kiss

JavaScript Development

We'll cover

  1. Static vs dynamic typing

  2. Compile-to-js languages

  3. TypeScript in general

  4. TypeScript in practice

  5. Conclusion

Static ​​​​


Dynamic ​​typing​​

Static ​​​​vs dynamic typing

Eric Elliott, @ _ericelliott 

Static types are overrated


Static ​​​​vs dynamic typing

Rafael Ordog, @ devillsroom

Dynamic vs. Static types



Static ​​​​vs dynamic typing

Dougles Crockford


Microsoft’s TypeScript may be the best of the many JavaScript front ends.


...these can be provided nicely by a preprocessor, so there is no need to change the underlying language.

I think that JavaScript’s loose typing is one of its best features and that type checking is way overrated. TypeScript adds sweetness, but at a price. It is not a price I am willing to pay.

Static ​​​​vs dynamic typing

Pros and cons written down


  • Reveals bugs in an early stage
  • Maintainable


  • Not so productive
  • ​Overrated

Static ​​​​vs dynamic typing

Let's make a survey!

I'll ask two yes/no questions


​Please answer, just if you answer for both.

Compile-to-js languages

What do we have?

Compile-to-js languages

  • Dart
  • AtScript
  • ​CoffeScript
  • ​TypeScript

Compile-to-js languages

Good old standards...

Compile-to-js languages

Check the trends...


TypeScript in general

TypeScript in general

'TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source.'


TypeScript in general


  • Microsoft
    TS: 2012 - Present
    Anders Hejlsberg, lead architect of C# and creator of Delphi and Turbo Pascal, has worked on the development of TypeScript.

  • Angular2
    Changed AtScript to TypeScript

  • ES7 Proposal: typed objects


TypeScript in general

TypeScript in general


'The JavaScript community consolidates tools and frameworks about as often as Nicholas Cage makes a good movie.'



  • Static analysis
  • Opt-in
  • ES Compatibility
  • Tooling


in practice

TypeScript in practice

Really quick start!

TypeScript in practice


// There are 3 basic types in TypeScript
var isDone: boolean = false;
var lines: number = 42;
var name: string = "Anders";

// When it's impossible to know, there is the "Any" type
var notSure: any = 4;
notSure = "maybe a string instead";
notSure = false; // okay, definitely a boolean

// For collections, there are typed arrays and generic arrays
var list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
// Alternatively, using the generic array type
var list: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3];

// For enumerations:
enum Color {Red, Green, Blue};
var c: Color = Color.Green;

// Lastly, "void" is used in the special case of a function returning nothing
function bigHorribleAlert(): void {
  alert("I'm a little annoying box!");

// Sources:

TypeScript in practice

// Interfaces are structural, anything that has the properties is compliant with
// the interface
interface Person {
  name: string;
  // Optional properties, marked with a "?"
  age?: number;
  // And of course functions
  move(): void;

// Object that implements the "Person" interface
// Can be treated as a Person since it has the name and move properties
var p: Person = { name: "Bobby", move: () => {} };
// Objects that have the optional property:
var validPerson: Person = { name: "Bobby", age: 42, move: () => {} };
// Is not a person because age is not a number
var invalidPerson: Person = { name: "Bobby", age: true };

// Interfaces can also describe a function type
interface SearchFunc {
  (source: string, subString: string): boolean;
// Only the parameters' types are important, names are not important.
var mySearch: SearchFunc;
mySearch = function(src: string, sub: string) {
  return != -1;

TypeScript in practice

// Classes - members are public by default
class Point {
  // Properties
  x: number;

  // Constructor - the public/private keywords in this context will generate
  // the boiler plate code for the property and the initialization in the
  // constructor.
  // In this example, "y" will be defined just like "x" is, but with less code
  // Default values are also supported

  constructor(x: number, public y: number = 0) {
    this.x = x;

  // Functions
  dist() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }

  // Static members
  static origin = new Point(0, 0);

var p1 = new Point(10 ,20);
var p2 = new Point(25); //y will be 0

TypeScript in practice

// Inheritance
class Point3D extends Point {
  constructor(x: number, y: number, public z: number = 0) {
    super(x, y); // Explicit call to the super class constructor is mandatory

  // Overwrite
  dist() {
    var d = super.dist();
    return Math.sqrt(d * d + this.z * this.z);

TypeScript in practice

// Generics
// Classes
class Tuple<T1, T2> {
  constructor(public item1: T1, public item2: T2) {

// Interfaces
interface Pair<T> {
  item1: T;
  item2: T;

// And functions
var pairToTuple = function<T>(p: Pair<T>) {
  return new Tuple(p.item1, p.item2);

var tuple = pairToTuple({ item1:"hello", item2:"world"});

Get started in local env

// Install using npm
npm install -g typescript

// Compile ts to js
tsc type.ts

// Compile more files into one and set a watcher
tsc *.ts --out app.js --watch

Adding it to your build process using

(grunt / gulp / webpack) is easy


Tslint (npm) 

A linter for the TypeScript language.


Typings (npm)

/// <reference path="jquery.d.ts" />

The type definition manager for TypeScript.


Matured technology


'JavaScript safe'




for your attention!

Q & A


Original source -
Tutorial -
Samples -
Handbook -
Eric Elliott, Static types are overrated -
Ordog Rafael, Static vs dynamic typing -
The Rise of TypeScript? -
Comparing to ES6 - 
Compile to JS -
ES7 Proposal: typed objects -
Great place to learn -


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