Goals of the Pomodoro Technique    

  •   Alleviate anxiety linked to becoming

  • !  Enhance focus and concentration by cutting down on interruptions

  • !  Increase awareness of your decisions

  • !  Boost motivation and keep it constant

  • !  Bolster the determination to achieve your goals

  • !  Refine the estimation process, both in qualitative and quantitative terms

  • !  Improve your work or study process

  • !  Strengthen your determination to keep on applying yourself in the face of complex situations 

The traditional Pomodoro is 30 minutes long: 25 minutes of work plus a 5-minute break    

Cut Down on Interruptions    


  • A Pomodoro Consists of 25 minutes Plus a Five-Minute Break 

  • After Every Four Pomodoros Comes a 15-30 Minute Break 

  • The Pomodoro Is Indivisible. There are no half or quarter Pomodoros

  • If a Pomodoro Begins, It Has to Ring:

    If a Pomodoro is interrupted definitively – i.e. the interruption isn’t handled – it’s considered void, never begun, and it can’t be recorded with an X.

    If an activity is completed once a Pomodoro has already begun, continue reviewing the same activity until the Pomodoro rings.



  • Protect the Pomodoro. Inform effectively, negotiate quickly to reschedule the interruption, call back the person who interrupted you as agreed.

  • If It Lasts More Than 5-7 Pomodoros, Break It Down. Complex activities should be divided into several activities.

  • If It Lasts Less Than One Pomodoro, Add It Up. Simple tasks can be combined.

  • Results Are Achieved Pomodoro after Pomodoro.

  • The Next Pomodoro Will Go Better





Thx to Francesco Cirillo
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