How to use quantum computers programmed by quantum information?
Can quantum states program a quantum computer?
Can quantum information be the source code?
What would it be good for?
Kay Giang - NTU Singapore
J. Son et al, arxiv:2403.09187
What is a dynamic quantum algorithm?
Toy model example: Density Matrix Eponentiation
Goal: Approximate the unitary \(e^{it\rho}\)
Kjaergaard et al., arxiv:2001.08838
4. Repeat the partial SWAP and fresh preparation
5. If the infinitesimal rotation duration is \(dt\) then after \(M\) steps we will have
6. The circuit will be exactly the same even if we use different qubit states
Kjaergaard et al., arxiv:2001.08838
Normal way we do quantum computing: Static
Dynamic Quantum Computing
Kjaergaard et al., arxiv:2001.08838
Kjaergaard et al., arxiv:2001.08838
What is Quantum Dynamic Programming (QDP) good for?
\(G=id - 2\ket\psi\bra\psi\)
\(U^{(\psi)} = QG^{(\psi)}R\) with \(Q,R\in U(D)\)
Marek DBI paper, arxiv:2206.11772
QDP paper, arxiv:2403.09187
Consider Grover reflector: \(G=id - 2\ket\psi\bra\psi\)
\(Q,R \in U(D)\), initial state \(\ket{\psi_0}\), \(\ket{\psi_{k+1}} = QG^{(\psi_k)}R\ket{\psi_k}\)
However, it's more complicated to get \(\ket{\psi_2}\). To do this, we need to get \(U(\psi_1)\). Ordinary idea:
Reflection of \(\psi_1\) is the rotated reflection of \(\psi_0\)
To get \(\ket{\psi_1}\) is simple:
J. Son et al, arxiv:2403.09187
Example: Density Matrix Exponentiation
Example: Double bracket iteration
Example: Oblivious Schmidt decomposition
There are 2 important parts of a QDP circuit: