
react is based on components 

Each component has props

props are read only values passed into a component from a parent

each component also has its own state. 

...used to store values local only to that component that store data that is going to change

state is ...

...used to store values, that when updated re-render the component 

state is ...

...immutable. When you update the data, you are not changing the value, you are replacing the old data with the new data

state is ...


new as of spring 2019

but first...

Destructuring assignment


const arr = [10,12,13,14]

const [first, second] = arr

const first = arr[0]
const second = arr[1]

console.log(first) // will log out 10

console.log(second) // will log out 12

// Bonus: 

const [firstValue, secondValue, ...theRest] = arr

const firstValue = arr[0]
const secondValue = arr[1]
const theRest = arr.slice(2)

simple example

basic state

const Person = () => {

  const [cupsOfCoffee, setCupsOfCoffee] = useState(0)

  return (
      <h1>Good Morning!</h1>
      <h2>I have had {cupsOfCoffee} today.</h2>


updating a hook

const Person = () => {
  const [cupsOfCoffee, setCupsOfCoffee] = useState(0)

  return (
      <h1>Good Morning!</h1>
      <h2>I have had {cupsOfCoffee} today.</h2>
      <button onClick={() => setCupsOfCoffee(cupsOfCoffee + 1)}>drink</button>
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