Salt Stack

Configuration management tool

Makes remote nodes in defined states
node = minion
by Marsel Mavletkulov @marselester


Configuration we want a minion to have

Rubyist guy: is an expressive identifier
  user: is a state module name, there are plenty built in
    - present is a function name
    - name: simon is an argument and value of function


Ensures that the named user is absent

Bad guy:
    - absent
    - name: moriarty


Short form

simon: is an identifier & «name» argument of function
  user.present is a module & function names are split by dot


Functions use identifier as «name» argument
if it is not given explicitly

Nginx State

Ensures that Nginx package is installed

    - installed

Nginx State

Ensures that last stable version of Nginx package is installed

Nginx official repository:
    - managed
    - name: deb precise nginx
    - key_url:

Nginx State

Ensures that last stable version of Nginx package is installed

    - installed
    - require:
       - pkgrepo: Nginx official repository

Requisite statements

Provides dependencies between states

require makes sure that required state was finished before current state
watch runs current state's watcher function for any change of watched state

They use the same syntax to point to particular state
«module name: ID»

Nginx State

Ensures that Nginx is installed and service is running

    - installed
    - running
    - watch:
       - pkg: nginx
       - file: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Nginx State

Downloads config from master and places it on minion

    - managed
    - source: salt://website/nginx.conf
    - user: root
    - group: root
    - mode: 644
    - template: jinja

Nginx config fragment

File is rendered by Jinja template engine

# ...
server {
    listen 80;

    location /static/ {
        alias {{ pillar['website_static_dir'}};
    # ...
# ...


Defines global values which are available by «pillar» variable

website_static_dir: /path/to/static/

How to run it

One master — N minions

Commands sent from master are broadcasted to minions via ZeroMQ PUB/SUB

State and Pillar files are stored on the master and transferred to the minions on demand

There might be hundreds or thousands minions

or it might be only one — masterless minion

Masterless minion

Bootstrap Salt

$ wget -O - | sudo sh

Tell minion not to use master
$ echo 'file_client: local' > /etc/salt/minion

Masterless minion


  base: name of environment
    - /srv/salt where to look for State files

  base: name of environment
    - /srv/pillar where to look for Pillar files

Top file

Top file is needed to bind minions to environments and assign State files to minions

base: name of environment
  '*': is a wildcard, here it means «all minions»
    - user State file name, e.g., /srv/salt/user.sls
    - website.nginx /srv/salt/website/nginx.sls


Masterless minion

Run «highstate» command to execute top.sls

$ salt-call state.highstate

base environment is used by default

$ salt-call state.highstate env=production

$ salt-call state.highstate env=development

More environments


    - /srv/salt/base
    - /srv/salt/dev
    - /srv/salt/prod

More environments


    - /srv/salt/base
    - /srv/salt/dev first see here for State file
    - /srv/salt/base if file was not found then see here
    - /srv/salt/prod
    - /srv/salt/base

More environments


    - user /srv/salt/base/user.sls
    - website.nginx /srv/salt/dev/website/nginx.sls

    - user /srv/salt/base/user.sls
    - website.nginx /srv/salt/prod/website/nginx.sls

More examples

Documentation of SaltStack

Small and bigger examples on GitHub

Developing Django project with SaltStack post

Developing & Deploying Django project with SaltStack post


Marsel Mavletkulov @marselester
Python Developer
Made with