I don't mind whether you have the data or not, just keep going
I hope the data is coming soon, I was expecting it to come a long time ago
You take my word I will give you a result, or at least tell you I failed at it
What is Reactive Programming?
Microsoft's Rx terminology
Reactive programming is programming with asynchronous data streams
Event buses are really asynchronous event streams, on which you can observe and do some side effects.
Reactive is that idea on steroids
You are able to create data streams of anything
variables, user inputs, properties, caches, data structures, etc.
you are given an amazing toolbox of functions to combine, create and filter any of those streams
Reactive Systems are:
- flexible y scalable
- highly responsive
- failure tolerant
- evolutive
When a change is required the response is managed by our set of tools
Changes in data streams are easy to make
The user will get an immediate response
No delay between an action and its result
The application can grow and expand new features with no time
Making the code easier to maintain and evolve
the master sword - starts with low power
Don't know how to use the master sword you just swing it
you go through trials to increase the master sword power
you go through trials to increase the master sword power
the master sword becomes the most powerful weapon you can use
Just a tool you don't know how to use it
Hard to debug
Learning it requires patience and experimentation
Difficult to drop observables/reactive programming into existing complex apps