3 Short Pointers From

Product Management Festival

Rich Mironov

  • Product Owners ≠ Product Managers
  • Product Owner «feeds the agile beast»,
    coordinates the engineering output
  • Product Manager cares about the rest:
    Marketing, partners, services, support, vision
    and corporate strategy…


If you mix both jobs: Hero approach with overcommitted, oversubscribed and burnt out
product owners/managers.



He feeds the agile beast

Katrin Grothues

From Scrum to «Scrumban»

Many «problems» with Scrum by the book:

Conclusion and Hypothesis:
The fixed iteration is the problem.

  • No fixed sprint iterations
  • Planning «on demand», no fixed commitment
  • Estimation/Grooming 1 time per week
  • Retro still every 2 weeks.


Jeff Lash

Most conflicts about roadmaps are caused by a miscommunication about roadmap use




Tips for good roadmaps (make more sense with examples)

  • Appropriate Time Horizon
  • Buyer and Customer Relevance: Benefits, not Features
  • Right Amount of Detail
  • Tailored to Audience







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