Chat with a Tutor Writing Groups “Resources for Writers” on
Discuss academic writing expectations and habits of strong writers Review citation conventions of APA style Practice formatting in-text citations and references in APA style
What’s effective in this paragraph? What could be improved?
Maintain a formal tone Use a consistent authorial voice
Define jargon and abbreviations Follow appropriate style guide conventions
Organize points so that they form a logical and coherent argument Use transitions to help guide readers from one point to the next Above all, strive to produce a piece of writing that makes your ideas clear to readers!
First draft should not be your last draft Review other examples within the genre Know where you typically get stuck and strategies to become unstuck
Read aloud Read draft backwards sentence by sentence Print text in a larger font size and/or change the type face Flag words or punctuation related to past writing challenges
Allows reader to find your sources Provides evidence for your argument and enhances credibility Demonstrates your interaction with others in the field and their ideas Helps avoid plagiarism Source: UCLA Library
Using or paraphrasing the author’s direct words or ideas Summarizing an author’s words or ideas Using information that is not common knowledge for your audience
Emphasizes points over details Reduces a large text into a smaller text, in your own words Fits original text into the context of your writing
Emphasizes details over points Fits original text into the context of your writing
Maintains the author’s original phrasing word for word to: -Display a particularly poignant or articulate expression -Highlight the author’s opinion -Demonstrate contrasting perspectives
References Jarrett, P. (2015). Student midwives’ knowledge of perinatal mental health. British Journal of Midwifery, 23, 32-39. Retrieved from
In-text (Name, Year, and Page Number if applicable) Jarrett (2015) claims many student midwives felt unprepared to work with patients with mental illness (p. 33).
In groups of 2 or 3, write a correctly formatted APA Reference & in-text citation for each sample source provided
HINT: Use the Online Resources for Formatting References to help you!
No need to memorize style conventions!