the revolutionary way to build modern apps
Open-source platform for building web and mobile apps in JavaScript
Built to power the next generation of apps
Rich user interfaces
Collaborative multi-user applications
Cross platform apps
Rapid application development
Build Facebook and Google quality apps
without Facebook and Google resources
Modern apps serve data not HTML
Modern apps shouldn’t need a refresh button
Rails, Django, PHP, ASP.NET are difficult to adapt to the new model
Meteor supplies all the components needed to make sophisticated modern apps work
Livequery - realtime database queries
DDP - subscribe to changes in the database
Tracker - rerun your functions when data changes
Minimongo - run database queries on the client
Blaze - keep your view up-to-date with your data
Livequery is a family of live database connectors
"live queries" can not only return the result of the query at the time it is made, but then go on to return a stream of create, update, and delete messages that inform you of any changes to the result of the query as time passes.
like "REST for websockets"
A Tracker-aware reimplementation of the MongoDB API in JavaScript, very useful for storing and querying client-side data.
Blaze is a powerful library for creating live-updating user interfaces. Blaze fulfills the same purpose as Angular, Backbone, Ember, React, Polymer, or Knockout, but is much easier to use.
“reactive jQuery” - patches DOM in place to keep it updated with changes to your templates data sources.
Most rapid prototyping, iteration and development we’ve ever seen from an early stage company. -- Trinity Ventures
Over 200 Meteor Meetups with +28K members
Meteor ranks #10 on GitHub
higher than Backbone; will pass Rails soon.
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