Notes, Quotes, Thots
Nothing really original, just a set of important ideas
Fake work is usually more fun than real work. Fake work is everything outside of
A) Selling your product
B) Building & Improving your product
A) Interviewing accounting & legal firms
B) Designing business cards
C) Arguing over who's CEO
D) Holding a lot of meetings with people
E) Attending conferences
F) Ordering T-Shirts
You should be super suspicious
- Taxes, rent, other expenses
Begin with a low one
A company with sales beating a $3 million valuation is much easier than beating a $10 million valuation.
If you beat a $3M, then you can skyrocket to a higher valuation later.
Many founders mess up when they overvalue fame than making sales.
Our users don't love our product, all is lost!
Okay. No one loves our product. Lets see what we can do about it.
"Don't worry about failure, you only have to be right once."
- Drew Houston
It will feel like you're about to die. But you're not going to. Our brains are oddly wired to think that every bad thing will cause death.
ask a lot of questions
Observe them
"If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product you've launched too late."
-Reid Hoffman
Then immediately launch version 2.0
Always know your weekly targets