CTO at @jsrepublic
By Bogdan Chadkin
and Oskar Segersvärd
All packagers bundle entirely the code base, and does not remove the dead code
Based on ES2015 and its modules
// api.js
export function getJson(url) { ... }
// main.js
import {getJson} from "./api";
Remove Dead code with Tree-Shaking
Yes! Minified and gzipped, D3 weighs around 58kB Voronoi Tesselation example weighs just 8kB, including the code itself. Depending on which of d3's functions you're actually using, the savings can be even more dramatic.
NPM : rollup-plugin-commonjs
// importer.js
import { named } from './exporter.js';
// exporter.js
module.exports = { named: 42 };
// importer.js
const named = require("./exporter").named;
// exporter.js
module.exports = { named: 42 };
"name": "my-package",
"version": "0.1.0",
"main": "dist/my-package.umd.js",
"jsnext:main": "dist/my-package.es2015.js"